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Everything posted by Unbelievable

  1. As much as I dislike the man, that's pretty harsh considering where they sit in the Premiership table.. Think they might be in trouble now. Second time now he gets the sack shortly after a takeover. Oh well, Inter Milan beckons..
  2. Title nearly gave me a heart attack. Please lock and bin this turd of a thread.
  3. Maybe not the agent himself but its surprising that no one from that NL TV channel made contact with a contact with a UK channel/media outlet. In this age of telecommunications, surely they must all have contact in all of the major European countries and relay various bits of news and gossip. Well you would think so, but evidently not..
  4. Ok, fine. Point taken. Why make that statement to that audience? surely it would be best made towards press over here if it's going to have swift impact? Why would a Dutch agent representing a Dutch manager contact UK television ahead of NL television if he wanted to communicate his client's stance..? In need to clarify something however: there was no footage of the agent reading out a statement, just the presenter reading out a statement and that statement being displayed as a quote across the entire screen whilst it was being read. I have no doubt it was genuine. Whether the agent is speaking the truth is a different matter of course..
  5. Why the f*** does Alan f***ing Sugartits keep having his say on all things football? Why? Who gives a f*** what he thinks? Erm, he's a high profile personality supporting our cause. Don't complain. Ah I agree with what he's saying, but he seems to be getting asked about football constantly despite having little to do with the game. ... He did use to own Spurs. So why not ask Elton John because he used to own Watford? I dont even know why I'm so angered, I just dont like Alan Sugar. Because he takes it up the arse, of course. And Sugar doesnt? You cant tell me him and Nick dont furiously ruck eachother in that boardroom like.
  6. Wish I was. See for example this link (in Dutch): http://ajax.netwerk.to/nieuws/artikel/23543_Van%20Gelder%20rectificeert%20bericht%20over%20ontslag%20Jol.php
  7. Well, Dutch telly know jack shit apparently. They have just received a call from an Ajax director saying their news of the sacking instead of mutual consent was wrong, so hey have just taken that back.. Make of that what you will. I would expect the Mino Raiola statement to surface on the internet shortly though...
  8. Fuker looks like Ashleys lovechild as well. http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSYapO8YltBt5dGLlYyqd-NDnNZeBGtvh0XXOMPXCD0OPSNEgns3g Looks like Ashley AND Jol's lovechild.. Jikes..
  9. Agent's name is Mino Raiola btw.. Can't find a link on t'internet yet, but was just read out on the Dutch equivalent of the BBC in the Twente match prep...
  10. Also just read out a statement from his agent saying Newcastle is not an option for Jol. Close this thread guys, it's gonna be Pardew... Funnily enough the agent mentioned Ray Houghton was a friend and he would not replace him when he had just been sacked at his club...
  11. Just confirmed on Dutch telly: Jol did not leave by mutual agreement, he was sacked.. I guess that ends any hope of this being anything more than a coincidence..
  12. Unbelievable

    Alan Pardew

    This will happen, isn't it?
  13. Unbelievable

    Alan Pardew

    This is probably the crux of the issue here (for me), the decision to remove Hughton was made by the 'board' (Cockney Mafia) and as far as anyone on here knows (GolfMag included ) was not done by Alan Pardew. I understand and empathise with people being upset about Hughton being canned, but the people behind that decision are not called Alan Pardew. Pardew, if he does end up being appointed, looks increasingly likely to be carrying the anger of Ashley's/Llambias' decision-making. I don't necessarily rate him (for the record, I don't really have a view one way or the other, he's a bit of an unknown), I just think he's coming in for a lot of unfair abuse in this thread. Is this WUM-tastic enough Davros? Well, IF he is appointed there is some evidence to suggest this has been ironed out behind the scenes in the past couple of weeks, which sort of makes him complicit, doesn't it? Other than that, he's just not the significant step up that would warrant the idiots at the top to go through all this trouble. It would be idiotic by all parties concerned.
  14. My thoughts exactly. So you don't think it makes a difference who the next manager is? We're destined for a certain spot in the table whether it's Jol or Pardew...Mourinho or Souness? Thank God we have this beautiful, forward-thinking viewpoint! Let's be ahead of the pack, sack our whole coaching staff! It makes no difference! IT'S ALL FATE! Come back, Kinnear. All is forgiven! Whether you were a tactical genius that worked the media perfectly, we still would've been fighting relegation! The point is the squad has a lot of weaknesses the board are a joke and there's no money, but because Hughton was manager we were easily going to walk mid table but now he's gone were relegated without him? Its bollocks, the threat has always been there and why sensible people, Hughton or not, would have taken 17th at any time during the season. Agreed. Not sure how you can argue sacking Chris does not increase our chance of relegation though..? Unless we bring in someone miles better that the players can get excited about, they will feel betrayed and will want out asap or go straight to relegation form after the manager they respected has been ruthlessly axed.
  15. That he wasn't the answer long term? Most will agree. Maybe not today, but eventually. That our results on the pitch in his one and a half season in charge somehow merited him being sacked by these classless clueless bastards in charge of our club.. See, where did I say the sacking was merited? I've said countless times that it was premature, but understandable to a degree. Same difference.. Only if you're simple. This is what you said: "Hughton's had 16 games, man. He's looked up to it in about 4. We can't afford to continue to piss away points." Are you or are you not suggesting Hughton was not "up to it" for about 12 of our 16 Premiership games he was in charge off? Most of our supporters would agree that considering the circumstances (newly promoted, shit squad) we have looked up for it for the vast majority of our matches, only really underperforming in a hand full of matches at the most. Not sure what you would expect from another manager with this squad tbh. I can safely say not many managers would have done better than Chris in the time he's been in charge, and there are certainly not many who would have even accepted the challenge with the buffoons in charge. Chris deserves nothing but credit for what he's done for us, simple as that.
  16. That he wasn't the answer long term? Most will agree. Maybe not today, but eventually. That our results on the pitch in his one and a half season in charge somehow merited him being sacked by these classless clueless bastards in charge of our club.. See, where did I say the sacking was merited? I've said countless times that it was premature, but understandable to a degree. Same difference..
  17. That he wasn't the answer long term? Most will agree. Maybe not today, but eventually. That our results on the pitch in his one and a half season in charge somehow merited him being sacked by these classless clueless bastards in charge of our club..
  18. Don't tell me you're taking Ronaldo's take on this seriously?
  19. I can tell you one thing about Jol that he is quite well known for in Holland: he will not walk out of a job giving up on the dosh it brings in, not without a very good reason to do so (i.e. another job lined up).
  20. Jol leaving has been on the cards for a while though, apparently. Though you should know more about that than me. There has indeed been talk over here in Holland of Jol leaving for weeks. He has been complaining about not being able to take the club further without funds to strengthen the squad in January and results have been pretty dire, so he was under pressure.
  21. Bound to happen. Jol is desperate for a job in the Premiership and fits Ashley's mould of a manager who can work with a DoF, blooding youngsters into the squad. These two sackings/resignations happening within the space of a few hours is too much of a coincidence for it not to be true.
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