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Everything posted by Unbelievable

  1. Don't blame your limited knowledge of continental football on the rest of us. Doesn't mean any player you don't know is going to be a star in the Prem.. And to set the record straight, I'm not suggesting he's shit because he's cheap. Anybody interpreting what I am saying is misreading me completely, be it deliberatly or not. All I am saying is that I was hoping (and you were expecting; I remember last year when I got a lot of stick for sitting on the fence with Ashley & Co while the majority on here were saying the only way he would get his money back was by investing big bucks and getting us back in the CL asap) we would be setting our sights highly and would be willing to spend accordingly. All I've been hearing so far is we are trying to trim wages and potentially transfer fees. Nobody in their right minds can deny that this will potentially/likely put us into a weaker position than many of our competitors, who seem to be willing to loosen the purse strings under their (new) guardianships..
  2. Your point doesn't even make sense anyway. If you're not sure he's any good, why then complain at the fact he looks like not costing us much? Care to respond to my point about Portsmouth getting an £8m bid turned down for him btw? I'm not on about this particular player. I haven't seen much about him and there is always the small chance that he has just been nothing special until his mid 20's only to become a high class player afterwards. I'm not complaining about this particular player not costing us to much; I hope he has a role to play in our squad, but I will happily admit I AM worried about us chasing targets of this ilk while clubs that we are supposedly competing with are signing players of a much higher pedigree than us at the moment. A while ago we were all laughing at Parky (I believe) for saying we were going to need 100 million to get back in the top four. With the way other clubs are spending money like bever before he may well have been right, and if Ashley thinks he is being smart by lowering our cost structure and getting in players of this level on the cheap I seriously hope it doesn't backfire badly. All in all, I just don't understand all the enthousiasm about this deal. The 8 mill bid by Portsmouth is all paper talk (and we are all to keen these days to discard paper talk as rubbish), and in the end this is a player that we all HOPE will prove to be a good signing, not one any of us was hoping we would sign. In many people's minds he's already our first choice right midfielder: based on what I ask?
  3. spiderman innit I'm sorry, it appears we have signed the wrong super hero..
  4. Well, it looks like you all truly believe we have signed superman.. You know it's only a showboy thing right?
  5. I know they finished 7th last season. You're not seriously going to debate with me that Mallorca is anything more than midtable material based on one good season are you (ref Wigan, Reading et al)..?
  6. Care to debate Dave? Financially I am sure we have done a good deal here, but does this signing make ypu feel confident that the club are aware of what is needed to compete in the Premiership, because to me it certainly doesn't?
  7. Thats why he puts the mask on when he scores man... oh and you're talking s**** n all So I guess you knew all about him before we signed him? What the f*** does that matter? Do you know anything about him? What if he turns out to be absolutely class? In which case Ashley and Wise and co would deserve a medal for pulling off such a f***ing masterstroke, which is what it'll be. I'm fairly sure Ashley does want to be more careful with spending, and i haven't got a massive problem with that. He came in and we were on the brink of going out of business so he's obviously got his head screwed on and he's making sure we don't plummet to those depths again. If that's showing a lack of ambition or whatever, then fair enough - personally, i think that's bollocks. Getting a quality player in for peanuts is a damn good start and, like i say, bloody good business. It's all been very shrewd and very clever iyam. One of the most pleasing things about this signing is that we're clearly doing our homework beforehand, rather being totally blaze like the Citys and West Hams of the world. He's a quality player now, is he? A fortnight ago I bet you'd never heard about him..? I like to stick to facts, and so far it seems he is not a terrific goalscorer (6 in the whole of his career), not great at assists (5 in the last season, which was by far his club's best in his time with the club), he's in his mid 20's yet hardly anybody had ever heard of him. You have to wonder if this is the sort of signing that will allow us to get CLOSER to the top 4. From what I've seen and heard, it doesn't look like this player is anywhere near that level. Combined with the low price we pay for him (albeit in a bit of a cunning way) this entire affair doesn't exactly fill me with confidence that the club acknowledge what is required to get us back near the level we need to be competing at (let's conveniently call it qualifying for Europe)..
  8. Well. we'll see. I hope he pans out to be a terrific signing if we actually end up getting him (which seems debatable at the moment, which in itself is ridiculous enough), but we are talking about a mid 20's twice (!) South American international player who has played for a midtable (at best) club in Spain and hasn't been snapped up by a top club from Spain during his time there. As I said, now it appears he has signed for us I will be hoping he turns out to be a really good player for us, but if we were linked with him before actually signing him I can't help but feel many people wouldn't be as enthousiastic as they seem now we have signed him without the press having a clue.. I applaud the club for being innovative in the way they have signed this player but at the same time it doesn't sit really well.. I mean, how would we all feel if a midtable Spanish or Italian club would snap up Michael Owen using this loophole? Other than that, I would ask the question: was this player really worth it?
  9. Thats why he puts the mask on when he scores man... oh and you're talking s**** n all So I guess you knew all about him before we signed him?
  10. Yeah, getting an international valued by his club at £8m+ for f*** all is a really bad idea. f***ing ethics. In professional football. mackems.gif The complaints on here are getting more farcical by the day. Penny wise, pound foulish so far by the looks of it..
  11. I don't know about the rest of you, but I can't help feeling a bit worried about our club going through these lengths to attract a player who is certainy not very attractive on the face of it. We are on the verge of acting legally/ethically for a player who hardly anybody on here had ever heard about a week ago and whose pedigree hardly seems to justify the burden. To me, this doesn't reflect very well on NUFC; seems like we are being very, very cheap here and not setting our sights particularly high at the moment..
  12. Feel free to carry on your personal crusade against one of our more talented players every time a completely unrelated news story breaks..
  13. Disagree. He was great as the lone striker, holding the ball up really well and a real goal threath. Looks really strong, yet blessed with good functional technique. With clubs like Barcelona interested I can't see him coming to us however.. Misses too many chances. Only looked good because of Russian creativity. Michael Owen would have looked like Pele in that team. For once we agree. He missed a load of simple chances. What easy chances did he miss? I must have nodded off quite a bit..
  14. Disagree. He was great as the lone striker, holding the ball up really well and a real goal threath. Looks really strong, yet blessed with good functional technique. With clubs like Barcelona interested I can't see him coming to us however..
  15. Ferdinand rules out Newcastle United switch 19:31 July, 3, 2008 Anton Ferdinand has ruled out a move to Newcastle United Football Club. Mail The FansFC Editor Send This Article To A Friend Post Your View on The Msg Board Kevin Keegan had reportedly made the 23-year-old defender a top target for St James Park, but the younger brother of Manchester United’s Rio has pledged his future to West Ham United. "It's just speculation," Ferdinand told Sky Sports News. "Until I get back to London I don't know what is going on. For me personally, until Alan Curbishley says I am not a West Ham player, then I will be a West Ham player. I love playing for the club."
  16. Really..? First Deco now him. Are they planning to field a team of world class attacking midfielders next season?
  17. A bit like Real Madrid announcing they would like Ronaldo? Yeh but Madrid are reported to have signed agreements with Ronaldo etc - that is tapping up. Real Madrid simply saying they want Ronaldo isn't, nor is Redknapp saying he'd like SWP. Signing actual contracts with a player without the permision of there club is just a little bit more then tapping up like Tapping up is talking to a player, either directly or indirectly, about a move without the blessing of the players club. Indeed, so how is Harry Redknapp tapping up those players? (Not directed at you btw, more-so whoever it was above) He's not. He's talking about a player he would like to attract to his club, not to that player, directly or indirectly..
  18. Good, the Germans do the decent thing and don't do a Germany for once.. Spain deserved champions in the end..
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