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Everything posted by Unbelievable

  1. He's a great keeper, he's just having a nightmare. Why play a 22 year old rookie in such an important match rather than David James? Hmmmm, haven't seen as much of him as you, but "great" he does not look.. Now the Croatian goalkeeper on the other hand..
  2. Carson is a bigger liability than Robinson!!! Another 1 million off the price for Brummie though..
  3. That smiley always makes me smile, but it is a bit embarrassing to be smiling now..
  4. f****** Gerrard before the game saying this is where it matters. Erm, the other games Stevie... The best they will come up with as an explanation is the foreigners in the Premiership.. Well, one scored and another got a brilliant assist, so maybe they have a point: foreigners are getting better players through playing in the Premieship.. Not sure why English players don't..
  5. You have to ask yourself if you even want to go to the Alps to be humiliated in front of Europe if they defend like this..
  6. Good match for the neutrals so far... Crouch looks up for it, and is troubling the Croatia defence..
  7. Good chance for England, but Croatia seem to have an actual goalkeeper..
  8. What a horrible start of the match for Carson.. Will be interesting to see if he makes any more mistakes..
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