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Everything posted by Unbelievable

  1. Feyenoord screwed up royally as well today, but it is strangely satisfying to see @j@x and Van Gaal's team lose the title in the last minutes of the season..
  2. Bloody hell.. That's even worse than I thought..
  3. And if we lose all 5, play s**** and look to be totally disorganised with players bickering with the manager he'd be right to sack him. my money is on roeder to be first sacked manager next season to be honest; if he has a good start he'll see out the season, anything less than say 6-9 points from the first 12 and he's gone.... The two of you make no sense at all. We shouldn't replace Roeder now yet you don't trust him to do well enough next season to survive the first few rounds of matches?
  4. Not being funny, but it's a THREAD. As far as I'm concerned, these people banging on about bringing in Allardyce are in the main the same people who every day claim the Board is s*** for appointing crap managers. My point is that all of those managers bar Roeder has a better track record than Allardyce, yet these people want him appointed. What do they expect from the Board because it seems to me they expect them to be able to see into the future. I have no doubt at all that should Allardyce be appointed and fail these same people who want him appointed will forget what they themselves see as positive reason to appoint him, they will yet again be claiming the Board has made a pigs ear of an appointment. All I'm after here is a bit of common sense. Nobody can see into the future. Not even Fat "pie eater" Fred, despite how much money he may earn. The bit in bold is some assumption, and in my personal case totally wrong anyhow. How can you expect to be able to discuss something sensibly if you make bold assumptions like that and expect people to follow your line of reasoning based on them..? Oh, and you have heard of Johan Cruijff before, haven't you? Aye, seen him play as a matter of fact. However, I don't recognise him from his arse. The point I was making was obvious as f***, tbh. You failed to spot the orange shirt with number 14 on but did think Cruijff's arse looked suspiciously like Dirk Kuyt? Can I take you with me when I will tour the mental institutions for children throughout the UK, or will they not allow you to leave? Yes, comedy is clearly not your strong point, assuming you have one. If you read my post you'll see I said I didn't knaa. Interesting though that you have a clog in your avatar and your login is also the name of a clog who doesn't play for Newcastle. Seems to me you didn't understand the meaning behind my post and can't admit it. Goodo. Unless you start posting some sense I can't be bothered with you really. Cheerio. 1) Maybe the fact that I am Dutch myself has something to do with it. As for my login being Kuyt, he was one of my favourite players of my hometown team Feyenoord and I was hoping he would come to Newcastle when we were supposedly interested. And before you ask, I have lived in Newcastle for most of the past three years and have had a season ticket for all that time. 2) You are right. I didn't understand your question and still don't? I have asked you to clarify it several times and you have proven to be less than helpful. If you don't want people to understand what you mean why do you even bother posting?
  5. Not being funny, but it's a THREAD. As far as I'm concerned, these people banging on about bringing in Allardyce are in the main the same people who every day claim the Board is s*** for appointing crap managers. My point is that all of those managers bar Roeder has a better track record than Allardyce, yet these people want him appointed. What do they expect from the Board because it seems to me they expect them to be able to see into the future. I have no doubt at all that should Allardyce be appointed and fail these same people who want him appointed will forget what they themselves see as positive reason to appoint him, they will yet again be claiming the Board has made a pigs ear of an appointment. All I'm after here is a bit of common sense. Nobody can see into the future. Not even Fat "pie eater" Fred, despite how much money he may earn. The bit in bold is some assumption, and in my personal case totally wrong anyhow. How can you expect to be able to discuss something sensibly if you make bold assumptions like that and expect people to follow your line of reasoning based on them..? Oh, and you have heard of Johan Cruijff before, haven't you? Aye, seen him play as a matter of fact. However, I don't recognise him from his arse. The point I was making was obvious as f***, tbh. You failed to spot the orange shirt with number 14 on but did think Cruijff's arse looked suspiciously like Dirk Kuyt? Can I take you with me when I will tour the mental institutions for children throughout the UK, or will they not allow you to leave?
  6. Not being funny, but it's a THREAD. As far as I'm concerned, these people banging on about bringing in Allardyce are in the main the same people who every day claim the Board is s*** for appointing crap managers. My point is that all of those managers bar Roeder has a better track record than Allardyce, yet these people want him appointed. What do they expect from the Board because it seems to me they expect them to be able to see into the future. I have no doubt at all that should Allardyce be appointed and fail these same people who want him appointed will forget what they themselves see as positive reason to appoint him, they will yet again be claiming the Board has made a pigs ear of an appointment. All I'm after here is a bit of common sense. Nobody can see into the future. Not even Fat "pie eater" Fred, despite how much money he may earn. The bit in bold is some assumption, and in my personal case totally wrong anyhow. How can you expect to be able to discuss something sensibly if you make bold assumptions like that and expect people to follow your line of reasoning based on them..? Oh, and you have heard of Johan Cruijff before, haven't you?
  7. So if he replaces Roeder, is backed fully by the Board and fails, will he be yet another s*** appointment by Fred? Could we not ask the same hypothetical question if we appointed Hiddink or Hitzfeld? Errr.....why not? The answer is obvious, of course you can so I'm not sure why you asked. Allright then.. Answer this and you will have answered your own question: "So if Hiddink replaces Roeder, is backed fully by the Board and fails, will he be yet another s*** appointment by Fred?" Wtf are you on about? Why don't you just post your point and be done with it? OK, if it's too difficult to engage your own brain: "Hindsight is a beautiful thing. Asking rhetorical questions about a possible future hindsight just doesn't fly as an argument." Still don't get it, sonny. So if Hiddink replaces Roeder, is backed fully by the Board and fails, will he be yet another s*** appointment by Fred? mackems.gif wtf is your point of repeating my question but with a different manager in there? What a f****** clown. I'm glad you find it funny too.. It was your question, not mine.. It's YOU and the s**** you post that's funny. Obviously you don't have any understanding of the question or the point behind it. IQ <50. It's good to know that if my current career ever slows down I can always find employment as a comedian for intellectually challenged children.. Explain it to me in your own words then poor l'il boy: what was the point behind your crazy question? Here's another for you, since the other one (that wasn't to you anyway) was too difficult. Why do you have a clog who plays for liverpool in your avatar? Assuming that's him, like. Divvent knaa, meself. How old are you?
  8. As much as I agree with most of what you're saying, what are you going on about the board for? This topic was being used quite happily to discuss the merits of Roeder vs Allardyce. Shepherd was hardly mentioned before you turned this into your favourite (only?) subject..
  9. Unbelievable

    Staying Up

    It's funny isn't it, but that's how well your hero Glen has done for us..
  10. So if he replaces Roeder, is backed fully by the Board and fails, will he be yet another s*** appointment by Fred? Could we not ask the same hypothetical question if we appointed Hiddink or Hitzfeld? Errr.....why not? The answer is obvious, of course you can so I'm not sure why you asked. Allright then.. Answer this and you will have answered your own question: "So if Hiddink replaces Roeder, is backed fully by the Board and fails, will he be yet another s*** appointment by Fred?" Wtf are you on about? Why don't you just post your point and be done with it? OK, if it's too difficult to engage your own brain: "Hindsight is a beautiful thing. Asking rhetorical questions about a possible future hindsight just doesn't fly as an argument." Still don't get it, sonny. So if Hiddink replaces Roeder, is backed fully by the Board and fails, will he be yet another s*** appointment by Fred? mackems.gif wtf is your point of repeating my question but with a different manager in there? What a f****** clown. I'm glad you find it funny too.. It was your question, not mine.. It's YOU and the s**** you post that's funny. Obviously you don't have any understanding of the question or the point behind it. IQ <50. It's good to know that if my current career ever slows down I can always find employment as a comedian for intellectually challenged children.. Explain it to me in your own words then poor l'il boy: what was the point behind your crazy question?
  11. So if he replaces Roeder, is backed fully by the Board and fails, will he be yet another s*** appointment by Fred? Could we not ask the same hypothetical question if we appointed Hiddink or Hitzfeld? Errr.....why not? The answer is obvious, of course you can so I'm not sure why you asked. Allright then.. Answer this and you will have answered your own question: "So if Hiddink replaces Roeder, is backed fully by the Board and fails, will he be yet another s*** appointment by Fred?" Wtf are you on about? Why don't you just post your point and be done with it? OK, if it's too difficult to engage your own brain: "Hindsight is a beautiful thing. Asking rhetorical questions about a possible future hindsight just doesn't fly as an argument." Still don't get it, sonny. So if Hiddink replaces Roeder, is backed fully by the Board and fails, will he be yet another s*** appointment by Fred? mackems.gif wtf is your point of repeating my question but with a different manager in there? What a f****** clown. I'm glad you find it funny too.. It was your question, not mine..
  12. So if he replaces Roeder, is backed fully by the Board and fails, will he be yet another s*** appointment by Fred? Could we not ask the same hypothetical question if we appointed Hiddink or Hitzfeld? Errr.....why not? The answer is obvious, of course you can so I'm not sure why you asked. Allright then.. Answer this and you will have answered your own question: "So if Hiddink replaces Roeder, is backed fully by the Board and fails, will he be yet another s*** appointment by Fred?" Wtf are you on about? Why don't you just post your point and be done with it? OK, if it's too difficult to engage your own brain: "Hindsight is a beautiful thing. Asking rhetorical questions about a possible future hindsight just doesn't fly as an argument." Still don't get it, sonny. So if Hiddink replaces Roeder, is backed fully by the Board and fails, will he be yet another s*** appointment by Fred?
  13. So if he replaces Roeder, is backed fully by the Board and fails, will he be yet another s*** appointment by Fred? Could we not ask the same hypothetical question if we appointed Hiddink or Hitzfeld? Errr.....why not? The answer is obvious, of course you can so I'm not sure why you asked. Allright then.. Answer this and you will have answered your own question: "So if Hiddink replaces Roeder, is backed fully by the Board and fails, will he be yet another s*** appointment by Fred?" Wtf are you on about? Why don't you just post your point and be done with it? OK, if it's too difficult to engage your own brain: "Hindsight is a beautiful thing. Asking rhetorical questions about a possible future hindsight just doesn't fly as an argument."
  14. So if he replaces Roeder, is backed fully by the Board and fails, will he be yet another s*** appointment by Fred? Could we not ask the same hypothetical question if we appointed Hiddink or Hitzfeld? Errr.....why not? The answer is obvious, of course you can so I'm not sure why you asked. Allright then.. Answer this and you will have answered your own question: "So if Hiddink replaces Roeder, is backed fully by the Board and fails, will he be yet another s*** appointment by Fred?"
  15. So if he replaces Roeder, is backed fully by the Board and fails, will he be yet another s*** appointment by Fred? Could we not ask the same hypothetical question if we appointed Hiddink or Hitzfeld?
  16. No, sacking Robson was not the problem, it came if anything too late. Our problems do not stem from indiscriminately sacking managers, but from from not preparing and ending up hiring incompetent replacements. There were in no way the calls for his head in his first season that we have seen for Souness and Roeder, and with good reason. It is fairly obvious that you give a manager like Robson time, he had the pedigree and the future looked positive. If we had that with Roeder he would deserve longer, but we do not, and that is why people are rightly looking at alternative. all of that granted but you can't disassociate the two can you? sacking the manager and having a good replacement lined up, they're inextricably linked...part of the same f!ck up what i believe the lad nappy, htl and a couple of others including myself are trying to point out is that allardyce has not suddenly become the man for nufc 'cause he's becoming available he wasn't the man when we sacked robson, wasn't the man when we sacked souness and isn't the man now This discussion has been done before in the past couple of months and the outcome has always been the same: a majority of people feel Allardyce is much better than we have currently and probably the best we can realistically hope for. The fact that Allardyce has now stated he will leave Bolton at the end of the season hasn't changed people's opinions, just prompted the discussion to start again.
  17. I've finally found something I think I agree on with you, which is quite amazing considering the dross you come up with.. You are right, injuries have affected our season considerably. Maybe even to the point where we may have been challenging for European football. The point though is, we shouldn't be happy with what we could have achieved without the injuries for two reasons. Firstly, with our outlay and potential, we should be beating the likes of Bolton and Reading hands down. Secondly, a lack of a squad is something that Roeder is to blame for. We were in trouble defensively before the January transfer window, yet we seemingly only started looking at solutions partway through that window and ended up doing nothing to really resolve the issue. If we (Roeder) had, we could have achieved European football next season. If you are pleased with the few things Roeder has done right in his time at the club and select to ignore his many mistakes and flaws it's easy to kid yourself into thinking he is a decent enough manager. Some of us actually use their brans for more than childish namecalling and can see we can do and should do better..
  18. Do you feel better resorting to insults when your "arguments" don't win people over?
  19. ha ha you're making me laugh now 'cause i never said any of that at all!! what i said was "the fans won't like the guy from the off" and "if results go against him he'll retreat into his shell and fight with the press just like souness did" never said the fans would want him out at all just that we're "suspicious" of his loyalties, as i certainly am if you're gonna talk sh!te expect to get laughed at What makes you think the fans wont like him from the off? and you claim I talk s**** i honestly think people are suspicious of the type of football he plays at bolton (and i agree with you and others that our current quality is worse than bolton but that means nowt), everyone i know and have spoken to BAR NONE have basically said "f@ck that" when the prospect is raised of allardyce as NUFC manager and it's what i say too, i don't like the guy as a man or a football manager it's like that lad NE5 says about the board, same thing, we might have a bad one but clamouring for a slightly better one (in certain areas) might not be the best thing eh? comes back to the other post i made - if winning (a few more) matches is all you care about then allardyce is your man, and i thought i was missing the bigger picture It means everything tbh, which is why we are even having this discussion in the first place. Anyway, it seems you are pretty much alone on here claiming the majority of our fans will not like the idea of Allardyce as our new manager. Doesn't that tell you anything, being alone yet claiming to speak for a majority? firstly it's an internet forum pal, hardly reflective of general opinion is it? secondly my point is that because we're playing awful football right now under roeder how does that become an endorsement to sign a manager with a long history of playing awful football? even if it's better than we play right now it's still awful pal An internet forum will give a more unbiased opinion than "your mates down the pub". Its a large cross section of fans who often have different opinions and the fact the majority would go for Allardyce says a lot imo. i've always stated this is my perception of the situation, nothing more nothing less however this place is full of bairns who are clamouring for change for the sake of it the same w@nkers who were complaining about robson and saw him replaced with souness My argument doesn't hold, so people with a different opinion must be either bairns who don't know what they're on about or w@nkers who always complain.. touche, good point - comes across as a bit petulant that but i'll stand by my opinion that there's to much desire for change for the sake of it and that allardyce would not be a popular choice as manager (but perhaps not as unpopular as i seem to think) Fair enough! I can see where you're coming from too if you don't believe Allardyce is a good enough manager for us, but I think most people realise we can't realistically hope for anybody much better at this point in time.. Who would you consider replacing Roeder with?
  20. Who is this far better Manager Brains? Would it be the Manager who finished below Roeder last season? Read my post, I dont have a problem changing if there is the opportunity to get a far better Manager in (not a flash in pan media darling or Championship Manager favourite like Paul Le Guen etc) his place. If you want me to respond to you in the future, engage your brain and read If your point is Roeder is the better manager because he finished above Allardyce last season, why don't you check out the Premiership table as it currently stands? If you don't have a problem with bringing in a far better manager than Roeder who is available and would consider coming to us (i.e. excluding the likes of Hiddink and Hitzfeld that some people on here seem to believe are realistisc targets) than why not at least consider Allardyce, who has proven he can get teams with far less potential and money than us challenging for European football year after year, during which time we have only moved backwards..?
  21. ha ha you're making me laugh now 'cause i never said any of that at all!! what i said was "the fans won't like the guy from the off" and "if results go against him he'll retreat into his shell and fight with the press just like souness did" never said the fans would want him out at all just that we're "suspicious" of his loyalties, as i certainly am if you're gonna talk sh!te expect to get laughed at What makes you think the fans wont like him from the off? and you claim I talk s**** i honestly think people are suspicious of the type of football he plays at bolton (and i agree with you and others that our current quality is worse than bolton but that means nowt), everyone i know and have spoken to BAR NONE have basically said "f@ck that" when the prospect is raised of allardyce as NUFC manager and it's what i say too, i don't like the guy as a man or a football manager it's like that lad NE5 says about the board, same thing, we might have a bad one but clamouring for a slightly better one (in certain areas) might not be the best thing eh? comes back to the other post i made - if winning (a few more) matches is all you care about then allardyce is your man, and i thought i was missing the bigger picture It means everything tbh, which is why we are even having this discussion in the first place. Anyway, it seems you are pretty much alone on here claiming the majority of our fans will not like the idea of Allardyce as our new manager. Doesn't that tell you anything, being alone yet claiming to speak for a majority? firstly it's an internet forum pal, hardly reflective of general opinion is it? secondly my point is that because we're playing awful football right now under roeder how does that become an endorsement to sign a manager with a long history of playing awful football? even if it's better than we play right now it's still awful pal An internet forum will give a more unbiased opinion than "your mates down the pub". Its a large cross section of fans who often have different opinions and the fact the majority would go for Allardyce says a lot imo. i've always stated this is my perception of the situation, nothing more nothing less however this place is full of bairns who are clamouring for change for the sake of it the same w@nkers who were complaining about robson and saw him replaced with souness My argument doesn't hold, so people with a different opinion must be either bairns who don't know what they're on about or w@nkers who always complain..
  22. So we should aim for continuity now we have a mediocre manager (and that's being generous), not change if there is a possibility of getting a far better manager in? What kind of world do you live in?
  23. tell you what i've just looked at that poll about this and i'm blown away that 80% of people on here would go for allardyce, i really am... this, to me, can only be attributed to dissatisfaction with roeder rather than any affinity with allardyce and as for attractive football yeah, of course, but i never want us to become consumed by winning...when we were losing the league or cups to manu i never wanted to see toon players chasing refs about screaming, or seeing players diving or whatever to get the win... to allardyce, from my perspective, it's only about winning....when have we EVER been about that? and by the way bolton are 4 wins ahead of us in the table and we've had what is to be considered a travesty of a season, whereas bolton have had just about their best season ever.... are you that sure that given time in the summer to fulfil his plans, assuming he has them, and with michael owen playing say 20 games that we couldn't do just as well with roeder as we could with allardyce? i'm not.... Seeing as this is an internet forum "pal" (thanks for reminding me, even though I strangely had not forgotten), why don't you read people's opinions on the matter rather than trying to interpret a poll result that is very much in contradiction with what you claim to be the truth. Poll result not in my favour, wait a minute: "this, to me, can only be attributed to dissatisfaction with roeder rather than any affinity with allardyce".. Utter rubbish. I, like most people on here, have seen a lot from Allardyce and he beats Roeder hands down in nearly every aspect of being a good manager. What you claim here is that any poll Roeder vs X would show pretty much the same results. I don't believe that to be the case at all. I wouldn't take the likes of Curbishly, McClaren or Jewell over Roeder, because they wouldn't be a significant enough improvement (basically your argument about Allardyce), but with Allardyce he has just proven to be so much more consistent and better it's a no brainer for most people. Rather than claiming people may not know enough about Allaryce, you should consider the possibility that they do (some maybe even more so than you) and have come to a different conclusion..
  24. ha ha you're making me laugh now 'cause i never said any of that at all!! what i said was "the fans won't like the guy from the off" and "if results go against him he'll retreat into his shell and fight with the press just like souness did" never said the fans would want him out at all just that we're "suspicious" of his loyalties, as i certainly am if you're gonna talk sh!te expect to get laughed at What makes you think the fans wont like him from the off? and you claim I talk s**** i honestly think people are suspicious of the type of football he plays at bolton (and i agree with you and others that our current quality is worse than bolton but that means nowt), everyone i know and have spoken to BAR NONE have basically said "f@ck that" when the prospect is raised of allardyce as NUFC manager and it's what i say too, i don't like the guy as a man or a football manager it's like that lad NE5 says about the board, same thing, we might have a bad one but clamouring for a slightly better one (in certain areas) might not be the best thing eh? comes back to the other post i made - if winning (a few more) matches is all you care about then allardyce is your man, and i thought i was missing the bigger picture It means everything tbh, which is why we are even having this discussion in the first place. Anyway, it seems you are pretty much alone on here claiming the majority of our fans will not like the idea of Allardyce as our new manager. Doesn't that tell you anything, being alone yet claiming to speak for a majority?
  25. Lazy? Anti-premiership? Moaning? Slimeball? What exactly has he done wrong except accept the contract the Newcastle United offered him? 6 league starts isn't really enough to judge a player, surely? (i am lighting the blue touchpaper and retreating as i type this) Based on what you're saying (the number of games he's been given the chance to prove himself is not enough to judge him) he could well be our best player then? I just think it's a bit strange for the topic starter who presumably has allowed for Luque as an option in his poll to ridicule people who choose this option. From what I've seen Luque is certainly not the worst player on that list, although he obviously doesn't deserve to be fourth best. He pisses all over Ameobi though, who some people on here regard as some sort of saviour because after letting us down for seasons on end he finally scored a few goals at a decent ratio at the back end of last season.. The qualifications Jonny used are pathetic.. I mean, what the f*ck is ant-premiership supposed to mean?
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