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Everything posted by Unbelievable

  1. Krafth actually looked like a football player there
  2. Kill me now. Dummass is so unbelievably shit
  3. 2 points lost, our two remaining most important players lost. We're in serious, serious trouble now.
  4. He hit it straight down the middle Yep. Goalkeeper almost saved it too.
  5. Ignore the offside why don’t you
  6. I’m game. They’re a fantastic side with a great mentality.
  7. Can't condone death threats obviously, but wouldn't it be a good idea if a referee who had such a stinker, VAR aided and all, was made to sit out a few games by the FA anyway? I don't see how a referee can get away with making such obvious mistakes scot-free. It displays clearly the ref in question is either incompetent, blind or biased and neither of those explanations are satisfactory at this level. Easy new rule proposal: if a decision for which the ref had the benefit of VAR is overturned after the game that ref is made to sit out the next round of games. In general I think English referees are far too protected. Over here in the past 10 or so years whenever there has been a controversial decision made by a ref in a televised game that ref was shown the TV image afterwards and asked to comment/explain. It's happened quite a few times, especially pre-VAR, that the ref had to hold their hands up and say they misjudged the situation. Shit happens, people make mistakes, but quite frankly I can't see how a referee can just be back officiating another game a few days after such an inexplicably bad decision. It makes a completely mockery of VAR and refereeing in general.
  8. Only watching the game on MOTD now, how was that challenge on Schar not a penalty?
  9. Least it’s just one game, try every game,
  10. This. Bruce is an irrelevance man, as is anything as long as Ashley is here. We have to hope the takeover gets done and savour the few moments where we play well in the meantime.
  11. Brilliant counter attack to cap an excellent performance
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