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Everything posted by Unbelievable

  1. Imagine how much he will hate his wife in a year's time
  2. The most 'shambolic preseason' I've ever witnessed was followed by promotion with 102 points tbf. Apart from the Leyton Orient game that pre-season wasn't too bad compared to this one in terms of results and we were managerless for that entire pre-season, so no, wrong again.
  3. I don't think they're mutually exclusive.
  4. Not having that Foluwashola, sorry. The alarm bells were definitely ringing already during the most shambolic pre-season I've ever had the misfortune to witness. Not saying all of that was McClaren's fault, but he didn't exactly help himself then either.
  5. So you think nothing's going on then? Why don't they just come out and back him so that we can move on? Where's the fun in that? Remember the January after Pardew left, with all the supposed sounding out potential managers, 80 high profile candidates had put their name in the head yadayada? Meanwhile Carver took to the bench game after game and it wasn't until a full month after Pardew left, by the time we all knew Carver would get/keep the gig he was gagging for, that they finally confirmed Carver would stay in place until the end of the season? Their master plan was what? To wait until McClaren became available? Steve fucking McClaren? And you would trust these men to make the correct decision and pull it off? I do think something is going on alright: they're in a pickle and they're buying time in the hope that things will sort themselves out on the pitch with McClaren. People don't seriously believe we are after Rafa Benitez or capable of pulling such a deal off do they?
  6. I don't think I've ever heard of a manager (head coach I know) in football who was kept on while there was a quite public search for his replacement going on. Our lot like to do things differently, but I still think it's highly unlikely, especially the McClaren going along with it part. Surely he would demand to be put on gardening leave if he had effectively been told to be the caretaker until they've found their guy?
  7. I don't believe for a second that no-one from the board has spoken to him. He's a f***ing board member himself. He's apparently big mates with Graham Carr. We're being played, plain and simple. Played to what end, them announcing he's going to see out the season? Don't know why they'd bother tbh it's not like things got as heated as they did with Pardew and this charade (if it's that) won't succeed in dampening anger against him or them when the mackems beat and relegate us. Forget about logic, this lot are complete morons as proven time and time again.
  8. Howay man. I would be very surprised if McClaren and Carr didn't speak on a regular, maybe even daily basis. They are supposed to be friends, Carr evidently campaigned for him to get the job, we practically begged him to come here, three times no less. Are we supposed to believe nobody has spoken to/with him since Saturday? Do they ignore him when he calls them to find out what's happening while speculation about his position and possible replacements is rife in the outside world? It's far more likely that McClaren knows exactly what's going on in my opinion, which points to another case of their tried and tested methodology of extensive public posturing and press leaks until the shit storm settles down and they go on as if nothing has ever happened (i.e. Pardew after Stoke, Carver in January) hoping that our woes somehow take care of themselves as they are too gutless to tackle a problem head on and deal with it effectively.
  9. I don't believe for a second that no-one from the board has spoken to him. He's a fucking board member himself. He's apparently big mates with Graham Carr. We're being played, plain and simple.
  10. Par of the course for this lot. Still fully expect him to stay in the end.
  11. Benitez for 10 games I can just about imagine from his point of view, long term is just a completely bonkers proposition
  12. As if Benitez is ever coming to nufc. Where do they get this, if he does he must be so desperate or Fatman has done a total u turn and offered silly money, either way it would have to be short term so he could get rid after he keeps us up, then look for another monkey who he can pay peanuts too. Why not? Keep us up and he's boosted his reputation massively. We go down and everyone knows it's not his fault, he'll leave in the summer win-win for someone like him He's most recently managed Real Madrid. I'm sure that's a good enough selling point without needing 'saved NUFC from relegation when 1 point from safety' on his CV. Exactly. And I don't care what people say, if he comes in and relegates us from a position where with 10 to go we need one more point than f***ing Sunderland that will definitely tarnish his reputation. It might be a risk worth taking for him if we make him an offer (financially) he can't refuse, but it's not without risk to his reputation as has been suggested.
  13. As if Benitez is ever coming to nufc. Where do they get this, if he does he must be so desperate or Fatman has done a total u turn and offered silly money, either way it would have to be short term so he could get rid after he keeps us up, then look for another monkey who he can pay peanuts too. Why not? Keep us up and he's boosted his reputation massively. We go down and everyone knows it's not his fault, he'll leave in the summer win-win for someone like him Worked for Shearer Oh wait...
  14. What? It reads to me that it's almost certain that McClaren will remain in place and they're posturing about sounding out other candidates which are very unlikely to want to come here and work under this mess of a setup. The soul searching and willingness to change things up is just laughable - they are as arrogant as they are ignorant. No way are they capable of such self-reflection, no way.
  15. I was (almost) right. Everybody in here is far too hyped up about this. As soon as you realise that nothing good will ever happen to this club as long as these muppets call the shots the better. They might be considering McClaren's future, but I think they will be prepared to give him another chance until it's effectively too late, and even if they sack him the chances of them attracting a manager capable of keeping us up and moving the club forward are slim. Yes, I know
  16. They are just playing with us man. McClaren probably told his driver to get him something from Greggs to have a laugh at the media and fans
  17. Absolutely agree Jayson. Sadly, the current incumbents don't quite see it that way.
  18. Absolutely. That's a great (and very depressing) article about the calamitous consequences of having had to endure almost nine years of parasitic abuse by its owner. Makes you wonder if the club is salvageable at all at this point or of too much damage has already been done to it.
  19. Yep, good post, fully agree.
  20. They don't give a shit about the fans or the media man. Why would they even put something out? It's business as usual as far as they are concerned.
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