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Everything posted by Unbelievable

  1. It’s like he’s in a different game today. Has someone told him Salah is his to mark..?
  2. Burn was just watching the pen as his man slid through for the rebound
  3. Dubravka Defenders need a bollocking for letting TAA completely unmarked on the rebound
  4. We have absolutely no intensity. Fucking shambolic
  5. I somehow don’t think I’ll watch this game until the final whistle
  6. Gordon doesn’t look comfortable on the right wing
  7. Pretty sure the ref blew his whistle simply for their goalkeeper shouting
  8. This is where I am. Him and (potentially) Ashworth leaving and a lot of the good work done in the last two years will be undone. Hopefully we'll just ride this storm and be stronger for it in the long run.
  9. I want us to fight through this and come out the other side with Eddie in place, but there isn't that much fight on show atm sadly...
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