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Everything posted by Unbelievable

  1. What a start to the second half from Burn and Longstaff
  2. Lascelles fucked. Everything is turning to shit last couple of weeks
  3. Why are people finding it so difficult to distinguish between short term form and long term ability? Clearly Trippier is a player of fantastic, proven ability who right now is performing well below this ability, to the point where his inclusion may absolutely be questioned, at least until such a time he sorts his head out. In the end I trust Howe and Tripps to make the right decision for the team, whatever that may be, but really there is no need for hysterics either way.
  4. Game over. Trippier has lost his head after that altercation with a fan a couple of weeks ago
  5. He’s literally costing us a goal every 45 minutes of playing these last few weeks
  6. Trippier looking like he could burst into tears. How has he gone from being so brilliant to being a complete liability in next to no time?
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