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Everything posted by Unbelievable

  1. Missed it though didn’t he? Clear yellow
  2. Very controlled performance so far, let’s hope we can keep it up
  3. Unless there are unexpected developments (like long term target becoming available on the cheap unexpectedly, more season ending injuries), yes, and rightfully so.
  4. I think “fair” would be the same limits apply for all clubs, not this odd version with “fair market value” is higher for clubs that already have better deals in place. At least allow all clubs to spend the same as long as their owners can afford it or they can commercially loan it from banks against normal market conditions (and afford the interest and repayments).
  5. Maybe I phrased the original post badly. I meant there could be a deadlock where the PL want to strip City of titles and relegate them, but if they do City threaten to legally challenge FFP and blow the whole thing up. Such a Mexican standoff would explain why other clubs are getting penalised while the City investigation seems to take forever.
  6. By time to recover properly you mean until the start of next season? Because unless I’m grossly mistaken our squad registered numbers do not allow the addition of three additional first team players without taking the same number out.
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