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Everything posted by Unbelievable

  1. Sadly, the same can be said for almost every member of our so-called squad.
  2. Our starting XI has Williamson, Raylor, Obertan and Riviere in it. Our squad is horrific.
  3. He wants us to win so bad he wont allow us to sign players to help us win. :lol: He does allow us to sign players. We've spent over £150m on players since he arrived. He gambles on us winning enough WITHOUT spending his own money, only the clubs. The fun for him is in taking a business making massive losses and turning it into one that is more profitable than any other in the field. The "fun" for him is in taking over a high profile business with the most loyal customers you could ever wish to find and transforming it into a private advertisement vehicle to be run as cheaply as possible, all the whilst generating significant yearly profits and with every chance of getting sold at a huge ROI eventually.
  4. Unbelievable

    John Carver

    I don't think I can ever hate anyone more than Pardew if only because at least Carver knows he's s***. If he knows he's shit, and he loves this club as much as he claims to, why in God's name is he constantly licking Ashley's balls to get the manager job?
  5. Unbelievable

    John Carver

    John Carver is happy to just be the head coach without any involvement in player transfers except for drumming up interest in our own ones then, just like Pardew before him. I am with those who are starting to hate Carver more than Pardew actually, at least the latter didn't pretend to love the club whilst killing it from the inside.
  6. Aye. There's plenty of remaining disgraceful policies that make Ashley a t***. We can't quantify the transfer of funds from NUFC to his shops under the mechanisms he has in place for advertising, retail and kit production (Puma deals havce added no recognisable bump in income). We're not going to sell out for the visit of Man U either, because he won't sell tickets publicly. Same with Arsenal coming up. He'd rather push memberships and half season tickets. But then, even that p*ss take of a policy is driving up the matchday income and adding to the coffers. Only Man City have grown their matchday income more than NUFC over the past 5 years. These are the only 2 clubs who don't publish ticket prices and categorisations clearly on their site from day 1 of the season. They're shitting on fans with fluctuating prices and picking numbers out of the air on a game by game basis, but the cut-throat policy is driving revenue growth at a rate to oustrip peers. Wait, why do you pick the Championship season as a starting point for this analysis. Are you not the same person who published this graph showing Chelsea and NUFC are the only two clubs who have seen match day income decline since when Ashley took over? http://41.media.tumblr.com/f33eac79ec5ecaa44bf41c91092c5036/tumblr_nibgfzIrRd1u89ei4o1_1280.png
  7. Unbelievable

    John Carver

    Someone post his comments on the Hughton sacking please. "It's a travesty. I'm devastated and angry. It's another situation where you have a young coach-manager learning his stripes like he did last year in the Championship, did a fantastic job, did the job with style. "He then took them into the Premier League on limited resources, brought in some decent players and this has happened." http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/teams/n/newcastle_united/9261212.stm
  8. So sick of everyone involved with this club. Ashley, Charnley, Carver and the Chronicle... Wish they would all just fuck off.
  9. Yes and no. Whilst the TV money distribution is fairly evenly balanced, there are still huge differences in absolute terms (in the order of tens of millions) between finishing lower midtable and higher midtable. Ashley has turned us from an upper midtable team to a lower midtable team by neglecting the development of other important revenue streams for his own benefit. That 90 million for example of "lost revenue" compared to West Ham would probably have seen us in a much better position than them if reinvested wisely, but as of right now they are probably in a better position than us. The same goes for a number of other clubs, including Southampton, Swansea and Stoke. The growing influence of TV revenue doesn't exonerate the failure to develop other revenue streams, for which we will continue to pay the price in years to come, particularly in terms of lost TV revenue ironically.
  10. "Only" 11 million per year; so let's say 90 million over that 8 year period, and another 11 million per year from now on. Hardly an amount I would qualify as insignificant. A few more years and the value of free advertising (lost to us, not the significantly higher value it represents to him as SD majority shareholder) will have surpassed the amount he paid for the entire club.
  11. Well exactly As for the other things you say, how has he allowed the club to spend the money it generates except for on two occasions? We'll be posting our fourth profit in a row, with the total profit over that period likely to exceed 100 million. You know as well as I do that the TV deals, although terrific in absolute terms, only serve to make us weaker than other clubs in relative terms, as other club owners are far more inclined to actually reinvest that money. I don't think your valuation of the value of the free advertising comes even close to reality either. Comparing our loss of commercial revenue during his time here to how others have developed theirs, it's probably closer to 30 or 40 times that.
  12. I've said it before, but the interest free nature of the loan is being used by the club as a justification for SD's free sponsorship. For that reason repaying the loan in part should only be acceptable if it meant SD starts to pay for the privilege of soiling SJP.
  13. Assuming we are about to post a profit of at least £40m imminently, that would make the average profit over the past 4 financial periods £20m. Hardly insignificant. He would be "up" something like £30m as well since taking over the club. Don't let accounting jargon fool you. The club is swimming in cash. That's the most important thing. Amazon never makes any "profit" but it has loads of cash. He's way up on £30m in terms of real cash. The sponsorship of SD and its assets must run into the 10's of millions since he's been here, that he would've otherwise had to pay for. That's a pure cash saving. The way we pay for transfers, rarely renew contracts for first team players and sell before it runs out means we've got loads of cash floating around. Agreed. I was just commenting on the actual posted profits from the official accounts, but if you include things like free SD advertising at the expense of commercial revenue growth the benefit for Mike Ashley of owning Newcastle United becomes even greater.
  14. Assuming we are about to post a profit of at least £40m imminently, that would make the average profit over the past 4 financial periods £20m. Hardly insignificant. He would be "up" something like £30m as well since taking over the club.
  15. It makes to them since they are desperate to give Carver the job full time.
  16. We haven't reported a profit before player trading yet. Operating profit for the last 7 years has been... -29.0m -24.7m -37.7m -33.5m -3.9m -5.1m -0.6m I'd expect us to spend in Summer. That's a very misleading set of numbers IYAM. Those numbers are £(turnover - op ex - player amortisation), but ignoring transfers. You're including the downside of player trading (amortisation) but not the upside (sale profit/loss). The important thing to point out if you use that as a base is that when you include transfers it's pretty much all profit. Correct me if I'm wrong, but players brought in for however much don't affect the profit at all in that year except for any amortisation which you have included (they are assets at the value of the transfer fee). However players sold will add £(sale price - book value) to the final profit margin. For example Cabaye - Bought for £4.3m on a 5 year contract. Sold half way through contract so book value=£2.15m. Sale price=£19m. Profit=£16.8m to be added onto whatever that value is for 13-14 When transfers are included, the final profit/loss numbers are: 07-08: -£20.3m 08-09: -£15.2m 09-10: -£17.1m 10-11: £32.6m 11-12: £1.4m 12-13: £9.9m In that context it seems a very strange conclusion to draw that the amount we have available to spend on player purchases is related to profit before trading. Would you not be better just looking at the cashflow?
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