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Everything posted by Cristov

  1. Considering his attacking and football playing stats are the worst in the league and considering watching Newcastle play the sort of football 2nd divison 80's teams would be embarrassed to play I think it's a safe bet. Probably not this weekend, might be worth keeping an eye on Charnley tonight if we get humped tho down to 8/1 from 14 though.
  2. Come on it was a face saving statement, they were basically saying where not waiting 12 months for arbitration. The global uncertainty hasn’t stopped them speculating billions on struggling businesses with a long term strategy in mind. You’ll hear from them next when it’s announced. What is it honestly going to take for you to accept this takeover is dead? Even an official withdrawal statement hasn't managed it Steve Wraith saying it perhaps?
  3. Cristov

    Plane spotting

    Did Ashley's jet fly from Luton to Miami yesterday? currently on route to Majorca from Miami just now. Falcon 7x EDC652R Mallorca, soz
  4. Hello, that'll be me <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">In the mean time some of your constituents are having having a tough time this evening. How about some support for them.<a href="https://t.co/l813ojMHZH">https://t.co/l813ojMHZH</a></p>— Chris J Read (@cristovread) <a href=" 4, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> I used the NUST link to write to him earlier but not had anything in return yet.
  5. anyway, im off for a shower. if i get lucky the plug hole will block and the cubicle will fill to the top.
  6. Why would the PL give a shit if we get fleeced like Sunderland? Most of their officials probably agree with the journalists that we have ideas above our station. i dont believe they will give a shit, but i'd hope the fans and the region would never forgive them. Im typing in anger and prob shouldn't type stuff at peak rage with the fear of sounding stupid but just now i truly hope the top 4 walk out on the premier league and set up with the rest of the top European clubs in a super league. screw them
  7. Well the statement is a lie. As if the time or economic situation is the real reason. They've wasted our time. Staveley has wasted 3 fucking years of our lives now. You reckon she wanted to waste 3 years of her life on this?
  8. Fuck sake fellas, i have no words to explain how i feel. The premier league best do their homework on any potential future takeovers because if we end up with a Donald Stewart fleecing the club for millions (worse than MA) they will have a lot to answer for. Im absolutely gutted.
  9. Cant wait to hear what she has to say. The first questions I would love to ask her is, why Newcastle and why she didn't give up and go after another club. I think she would have been within her rights to after Ashley called her out as a time waster. Why not us? 8-9th most successful team in England and an owner open to offers. She went for Liverpool originally but owners were difficult to deal with. Sorry, I didn't mean in a negative way. I think what i meant to say was, I want to hear what attracted her to us (The good stuff).
  10. Cant wait to hear what she has to say. The first questions I would love to ask her is, why Newcastle and why she didn't give up and go after another club. I think she would have been within her rights to after Ashley called her out as a time waster.
  11. Aye, its the worst argument of all time. Awful. Not really the worst is it though If you think the takeover should not be allowed to go through on moral grounds (which btw is a stance anyone is entitled to and it's understandable) but then you happily view/consume content/products in which they also have investments it's hypocrisy, now some people are comfortable being selective and again that's their prerogative but the hypocrisy can be called out No it is not hypocrisy at all. These things are not comparable. I have to put petrol in my car, and even if i didn't I get the bus, so that consumes petrol. I have to get home from town, so I use an uber. There are things that you use in a society because you have to. The argument that I should quit using uber is ridiculous. If we applied that logic unilaterally, nobody could disagree with anything. Hate capitalism mate, well you've got an iphone! Check mate! Take away the essential products then, you don't need Disney products or need to use Facebook or need to have Starbucks etc That's where the hypocrisy lies, I don't expect people to stop driving but if you object to the takeover on moral grounds but you blast through Disney+ then aye that's a bit dodgy and selective So what you're saying is that Newcastle United is the same to you as any other business? That's fine if that's your position but it's a bit of a weird one for most football fans. NUFC is the worldwide representative of my city so I'm inclined to want to be able to feel proud of it and what it stands for. The only way it's comparable with Uber or Disney is if you have an emotional stake in those businesses. I couldn't give two fucks if they went under tomorrow so it's not the same in the slightest. I don't give a toss who owns Uber. I do care who owns Newcastle United. Is the difference between those two positions genuinely difficult to understand? I care more if someone kills my wife than if someone kills your wife. That's not hypocrisy, it's life. I care more about things I care about than things I don't. wow! Things took a turn for the worst last night.
  12. Cant find odds on Rafa being the next manager
  13. wonder how many of the players are in touch with their agents right now!
  14. Its been the weekend, i think/feel there is still mileage in this yet. Multi Million £ deals don't get concluded straight away. I'm still holding out hope that the deal goes ahead, if not with Khaled then maybe someone else. One thing I am convinced of is that MA wants out this time.
  15. Im f***ed of with this, I'm away to play FM where I've just won the league for the 10th time and had a new 80k stadium named after me. which is more believable than us ever getting rid of cashley in the near future,
  16. Yeah, basically this. Basically, fuck the pair of you. It’s you being fucked mate, by big fat Mike. Seriously, why would you go? I get it but I will never ever understand it. Fucking madness that even a doctor wouldn’t be able to treat. Of course you dont undetstand it, you're a patronising Keeganite who dipped into a relatively successful period of our club's history, and back out again when we weren't as good. Stick to bragging about your motor cars or whatever, but don't ever try to lecture me about being an NUFC fan. I can’t help if my support of NUFC coincided with SJH and KK, that said there is no way I’d ever support this fake NUFC even if I hadn’t grew up on the KK years. Purely from a stupidity level more than anything which you would have to be to support the club under Ashley willingly. It’s Sheer madness. Again families and kids and older people get a pass. I will stick to my cars as well, I get more joy watching birds shit on them than NUFC under Ashley, at least that shit can be washed away... For what it’s worth, I’d support this club outside of the football league if it was still a football club, you know, trying to compete and using its resources to do so. It doesn’t matter how good or bad we are, that’s not what it’s about. Today though I’d rather support Gateshead, which I do so that shuts your gloryhunting reposte up. Oh and Dave, sadly you are bang on, but howay man, paying top dollar for this? It’s Trump levels of stupid. Again families with kids and kids and older fans get a pass. Anyway fuck it, that’s me out, I honestly couldn’t give a fuck about NUFC these days and it’s only this forum that keeps me even thinking about football. I’m off to watch some birds shit on my car... Maybe some ST holders can give me a sponge to clean it off as their spines are made up of such material so plenty to go around... What do you do if a bird shits on your car? Dump the bitch. (boom boom)
  17. Indeed it was. Been aired a few times. I like it, quite catchy. glad its been broadcast.
  18. was that Chant "you fat bastard, get out of our club" i could hear?
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