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Everything posted by ScottishMagpie

  1. Select individuals in that team I'd make walk back up to Newcastle if I was Pards. No excuses for what I've just witnessed. Fucking embarrased is the understatement of the year. I'm just waiting for the first twat to say we didn't deserve it. We got everything we deserved. Defending like that deserves a back door shafting each and every fucking time. If they players can't learn from previous mistakes then get them the fuck out of our club.
  2. Supposed to be having lunch with my arsenal supporting friend tomorrow... he better be fucking paying!
  3. Will someone please strangle that fucking little brat screaming in the background. Doing my fucking tits in!
  4. good play from them but for FUCKS sake man! Defence need fucking shot at dawn tomorrow morning. Canny wait for Pards post match interview.
  5. Maybe it's part of new government initiative. Not keeping score at kids matches etc.... shame no-one's told the other teams!
  6. 10 goals conceded in the last four games? New defensive coach required perhaps?
  7. I'm scared it will be another good performance and plaudits but no points.... someone hold me!!
  8. My feed finally caught up.... get the fuck in!!! Nothing more than we deserved on balance of play.
  9. Are we the only team in the league which when they get a corner the fans let out a collective groan?
  10. They'll get tired from scoring so many goals that we can sneak one in the 85th. Ahh...I see. We're thinking of goal difference if needed at the end of the season.
  11. The whole zipper thing is a technique used to distract the officials...
  12. Can someone with more football nous than I explain to me what may be the reason for playing a high-line against these speed merchants?
  13. It's okay lads... just need to 'do' our usual and come from behind to win....
  14. just watched his interview on nufc tv. Very honest. Quite refreshing to see.
  15. And another thing...was hoping to get my hole tonight but that's killed the mood stone dead. Better look out the batteries for one of wor lass' xmas toys.
  16. Bit unfair, Williamson will be with us until he is sold/given away. That's cos he's secretly Bike Mike's love child.
  17. Don't mean to take the silver lining off this but because we've been utter s**** for all this season so far and we were expecting to get a right shafting today which didn't happen....bottom line is we've still come away with hee-haw.
  18. Just hope this doesn't convince pards he can continue with some of these players. Replacements/reinforcements are desperately needed in January.
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