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Everything posted by ScottishMagpie

  2. Maybe just a sign of how far we've slumped but I'm not too disappointed with that 45mins. Honestly thought we'd be 2-0 down at HT.
  3. i thought Ba was giving him instructions.... don't tell me "aim it at mike, I've scored already this season, want him to have a shot".
  4. Our fans sound mint. Just got a glimpse of Pullis....man I detest that guy.
  5. (Snip - we don't discuss that here - BlueStar) don't want to tempt fate but looks like we're playing no too bad.
  6. Are there odds being offered on how long the ball will actually be on the ground in this match? Just as well stoke doesn't have an airport.
  7. Yeah I don't get that, especially in a game where set pieces haven't been working, a short corner to Ben Arfa is a really good option. That said though pretty much everyone who goes to watch us is f***ing stupid and knows nothing about football. Aye but I wouldn't mind it if a 'short to ben arfa' was part of a drilled corner taking routine which had been worked on the training pitch but when they did it it even took their own team mates by surprise! Bet you pards gave them a fergie style roasting in the changing rooms for having the gumption to attempt something different.
  8. The bit I've made bold is probably the no.1 reason why I'm so fucking angry with Pardew atm. If I was to see something different each week, even it was a different set piece or different corner scenario, I'd still be pissed at losing but if I could see there was some semblence of effort in putting things right I would give him a little more slack.
  9. Krul Simpson Perch Colo Santon Tiote Obertan Marv Jonas Cisse
  10. I think the ba/cisse thing is crucial if we're going to get even a point on Weds. Since both are two of his 'big' players and they are fit then they'll both start up top for us. GRRRR!!!! (warning! rant ahead:) When the fuck have we even seen once, just one time!, that the pair of them compliment each other or just basically work together. Heck, we don't even see them talking to each other on the pitch. What the hell does he do with them in training, surely the whole point of training would be getting them working together as a partnership. Does he just stand their and admire their individual brilliance at 'banging them in' but does hee-haw else?!! Anyhow, both will start on Weds, probably until we're 2-0 down and it's around the 60 minute mark and Pards will have ? ready to come on place of Cisse just as they score their third then we'll see a change and a defensive substitution made so we can really 'batten down the hatches'.
  11. That's it. I want Pardew gone. Know it won't happen but he can take a walk.... thanks for the memories but get the fuck out of my bed.
  12. Not even a nigella marathon on the telly is gonna pull me out of this gloom!
  13. oh and if he even thinks about bleating on about not having HBA on the pitch I'll fucking kill him!
  14. We could keep playing till his contract expires and we don't look like scoring. I'm not really a stats kinda guy but looking at them for this game is fucking embarrassing. Interviewer should print them off and show them to Pards at the post match interview and see what he has to say to it.
  15. He's making us play this way on purpose isn't he? That's gotta be it! He wants big mike to break the piggy bank in january so his trying to make a point.
  16. "we're big enough to take the criticsm... well done southampton.... they're not a bottom 3 team... not to take anything away from them but the missus deleted homeland of the sky+ box so I'm a bit down...."
  17. Baffling substitutions. Seemed desperate throws of the dice. Time and time again I'm asking myself where the fuck was the Plan B?!!!!!! I can understand Plan A not going to plan or someone having a howler or the opposition being full of confidence and all that but not to show any tactical nous and combating it is just fucking unforgivable, especially at this level.
  18. This. Can't be a coincidence that everyone has turned to pish. Somethings seriously wrong at I think the blame lies with Mr Pardew.
  19. No two newcastle players working as a partnership. WTF do we do in training?!
  20. Last season put a lot of credit in to the 'Pardew' bank but if this second half goes the way it probably will then he has used up all credit with me and doubt even Wonga would accept him!
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