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Everything posted by ScottishMagpie

  1. Not sure what our formation was in that ha, they have played really well but what im really fucking pissed off is i didnt see pardew try changing it. Damage is done. Fucks sake
  2. Have you got enough beer? There's no way I want to start drinking now. It'll end with a trip to hospital or a jail cell. possibly both. maybe not but the internet has enuff porn. Can your wrist take it tho?
  3. This is fucking awful to watch on tv. Spare a thought for the poor bastards in the away end.
  4. This is when i miss barton or nolan not for their football ability but rather their leadership qualities.
  5. Haha!!!..... he'd probably select his kids...hell, he'd probably give Posh a game!
  6. Despite the weather and not playing too great recently I'm really looking forward to this. First visit to SJP since last season and bringing my lad down too. Like a lot of people I absolutely f**king detest this shower after the antics at our relegation. Would love us to put 6 past them again but would settle for 4.:-) Hope us fans turn the heat up and make it a bearpit for them and our boys to respond by re-emphasising we are where we are through merit.
  7. She was one of the fortune ones then!! That was like viewing a car crash last night without seeing Holly Hunter get her baps out! Great result and enjoying putting Liverpool and Arsenal in their place but that performance could easily have been another fulham if they hadn't been so shit. We were due that 'luck' that we got last night but we can't keep performing like that and entertain (in secret) aspirations of european football.
  8. Hope that was the stadium announcer asking for Ameobi to return to his car!
  9. I'm willing Pardew to make some changes, either personnel or tactical, just to renew my faith in him. Show me that he can see something wrong and has the nous to fix it and get a grip of it!
  10. Pardew needs to change it at half time. Don't wait till they're 3-1 up!
  11. Dirty bastards! Think what Kean's been through has been OTT but really hope this lot go down.
  12. I'll state the bloody obvious. We're gonna need more than one goal to beat this shower tonight.
  13. Some supporter will handcuff himself to krul's goalpost and tomorrow Krul will be banned for 4 games for allowing it to happen.
  14. Maybe shola's spirit will actually turn up tonight instead of sending his body along on it's own now he knows that the african hit men he hired didn't do the job and the demba's are back!
  15. Regardless of which 11 represent us on the pitch I can only see this as being one fecking horrible match to watch. Pity those making the journey down there.
  16. What I'd choose from what's available: Krul Santon Willo Colo Raylor Guthrie Vukic Obertan Ferguson HBA McLovin What we'll probably get is: Krul Simpson Willo Colo Santon Guthrie Gosling Obertan Jonas HBA Best
  17. I'm 34 yrs old next week. Bar 3 second division titles I've come to the realisation that I'll never see us win something in my lifetime! Fucking woeful. Pardew will come out with some shite in the post match interview about aspects of our play he wasn't happy with (i.e. doing hee-haw in the final 3rd of the pitch!) but not explain why it took him to the 82nd minute to do anything about it. Others have mentioned it but his inability/unwillingness to have a plan b is really start to chaff my tits!
  18. If I was Pardew I'd cancel that fucking romantic weekend break they're going on!
  19. Ba and Cisse must be shitting their boots worrying about their starting places!
  20. I know it's kinda redundant but I'd rather go down 4-2 or 4-3 than 'settle' for 4-1.
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