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Everything posted by ScottishMagpie

  1. Frustration. Just to remind everyone watching that he's still on the pitch?
  2. Can't believe that this formation with these players is/was one of the options our coaching staff have come up with during the week. It's like they've just rolled one of those magic 8 ball's in the dugout and went with it....
  3. Glad we're keeping our big guns for the premier league matches......
  4. Sorry if this has been mentioned before but why all the uproar about this now? Don't recall this when it was Blackpool or Hearts. Not a "big club" my arse!
  5. Getting beat 3-0 by a team playing in second gear for 70mins. Still haven't started a match properly. C'mon Pards get this shite sorted out. One on-shot chance with the goal line clearance and that was it. We've been riding lady luck since the start of this season and this afternoon she's finally bucked!
  7. I volunteer a Mr Nile Ranger. Looks like he'll be doing porridge soon anyway so might as well go for doing something usefull.
  8. I love Ba and Cisse as players but I'd love to know what wonders the two of them do in training each day that makes Padiola think that they work together well as front pairing.
  9. "I think Man Utd deserve that"?!!!!! Get to fucking fuck Neville you completely fucking twat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. oh oh...did you see that.... set play went to Williamson. It's what we've done 1 million times before so it will be the last thing the opposition will be expecting!
  11. No, no replay footage will be used for decision making, it will all happen automatically and will be computerised, and dependent on 6 or so camera's. Bet the FA somehow programme it that whenever there's a dubious decision against manu the camera's will all suffer a strange 'glitch'.
  12. so is this what it would be like of video evidence was introduced? Suppose it wall depend on where the FA fuckwit paused the replay.....
  13. From looking at that picture the ball isn't completely over the line.
  14. Spike from the Quireboys on the pitch at half time. Hope he ain't cycling with Elliott!
  15. No shame in the result. Proabably best 90mins we've played all season. Just really fucking annoys me that we never get a result against this lot at OT. Thinking of some of the complete shite that have come away from here with a win and we get our pants pulled down or a 'valiant effort'. Fucking sick of it.
  16. Would be interesting to see how well Cisse might play alongside Shola.
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