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Everything posted by danswan

  1. Back to his best v Blackburn = win
  2. danswan

    Alan Pardew

    I can't resist asking - what is a cheekball? It sounds intriguing, and I think I want a tattoo there too. meant to write ass cheek, no idea why I wrote cheekball
  3. danswan

    Alan Pardew

    I can't resist asking - what is a cheekball? It sounds intriguing, and I think I want a tattoo there too.
  4. Not just that, it was doing it last night too at around 2:30am when load levels were presumably low.
  5. danswan

    Steven Taylor

    I've just taken up smoking. In your face Steven Taylor.
  6. I think it's been deleted by the OP, which is disgraceful if so. Didn't see who the OP was. Anyone going to own up?
  7. Where did that 'Where did the team spirit go' thread that appeared at half-time disappear to?
  8. What a cock Ashley is. Our recent relative succes has been based on good team spirit and a tiny bit of stability for the first time in a while, both of which are now long gone. Good luck Hughton, I hope you go on to much better than this.
  9. I can't remember seeing a better player in his particular role here, he's just the perfect fit for a DM - even when he's spinning around in his own box he never loses it, and his distribution is almost perfect. I love this guy.
  10. Lots of positives coming out of this like. Really good performance.
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