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Everything posted by danswan

  1. Anyone else reckon we did them some sort of favours & asked them to keep the price looking low? Maybe lots of hidden extras? 12m seems too good to be true, and it's probably worth a fortune to not be seen to be being fleeced in our first deal. Would be nice to think we are that shrewd.
  2. After seeing that I've changed my mind, I'd like it to go ahead just to see his reaction.
  3. He's mint. 87% more mint than Mahrez
  4. Yep, example being when he pulled it back for Ritchie first half. Sissoko would have blazed it across the box blindly.
  5. Was pretty similar back in the 80's as I remember it, but there wasn't this feeling that we were being actively exploited, just that they powers that be were generally incompetent and unconcerned about the club.
  6. Surely stick rather than twist is the gambler's analogy here?
  7. danswan


    London factor is well over played it only has any relevance if your successful. For s*** teams it's hardly an advantage at all. If he chooses Fulham or West Ham over us he wants his head looking at. Have we had a bid accepted for Douglas like? My post was using the scenario that all 3 clubs had accepted offers. Of course i know we haven't. But i don't consider Fulham and West Ham a threat, the only way they beat us to signing him is if we get cheap and don't give Twente what they want. Didn't you say similar regarding Luuk de Jong? Anyway, to discard West Ham and Fulham as serious contenders for his signature is incredibly arrogant and shortsighted if you'd ask me. Did i? in any case that was a very different scenario, Twente were asking for ridiculous amounts they are not this time. Also i dont believe it is, we are in Europe, we are contending with the likes of Spurs and Arsenal, we are showing ambition to go further. West Ham are likely to be in a relagation battle and Fulham are mid table at best. That would actually have some relevance if he wasn't Brazilian Could have sworn Jol was Dutch like
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