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Everything posted by Numbers

  1. I'm convinced Bruces tactics are "Right go out and kick it into the net, Good luck lads"
  2. Why the fuck are people still going to the games after 11 years of having the piss taken? What is the last straw for people?
  3. No chance, they will trot out the same old shit "Give him time" etc etc
  4. You joking? Aye, hopefully the only fucking wave we see from him is when hes cleared his desk.
  5. Why does this fucking idiot persist with playing Almiron down the right?
  6. Clueless fuckwitt. 100% relegated with this fuck nugget in charge.
  7. What a thick cunt, not the first time hes dived into a fuckwit challenge.
  8. Come on guys don't be too harsh, Bruce is a nice guy.
  9. Enjoying watching Brewcies brand of football like.
  10. 40K would turn up just to sit in the Stadium for 90 minutes.
  11. What the fuck am I watching, the players look like they have 0 clue what the fuck they are doing.
  12. The Group has been the subject of a tax audit in Belgium and, on 25 July 2019, received a payment notice from the Belgian tax authorities in the amount of €674 million (including 200% penalties and interest) and requesting further information in relation to, amongst other things, the tax treatment of goods being moved intra-Group throughout the EU via Belgium. The payment notice is not a formal tax assessment but a "proces verbal" whereby the Group will enter a "fiscal mediation" in order to respond to the tax authorities questions and provide them with documentation. Accordingly, there could be no immediate recovery action. Sports Direct will investigate further alongside its tax advisors though it believes that it will be able to address the points raised and information requested which Sports Direct believes it maintains as part of its routine books and records keeping and, accordingly management believe, as at the date of signing of the financial statements, that it is less than probable that material VAT and penalties will be due in Belgium as result of the tax audit.
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