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Everything posted by Numbers

  1. NEWCASTLE UNITED In the current and prior year we have in the ordinary course of business been charged £1m per season for advertising rights whilst Newcastle United are in the Premier League, this is covered in the related party note in the financial statements. For the football season beginning in August 2019 the Sports Direct Group will be charged £2m for the advertising rights. Sports Direct still considers this to be value for its shareholders.
  2. Money aside, stay here and endure scrapping for safety every season for Mike Ashley or go to China for an owner who is ambitious and wants to win the league? Pretty sure I'd be off to China and adding another league title to my CV. Or take a few months off and wait for a decent gig in a decent league... Have you learnt nothing about Benítez? The guy lives and breathes football, he won’t want to sit around at home doing the shopping and watching Wimbledon. There was nowt else around. May as well go to China and work while he waits for an opening back here. This, last time he was out of Management for a time he was coaching the local school team.
  3. How the fuck would SJH know anything, if the 'City' knew anything it would be splattered all over the papers.
  4. Money aside, stay here and endure scrapping for safety every season for Mike Ashley or go to China for an owner who is ambitious and wants to win the league? Pretty sure I'd be off to China and adding another league title to my CV.
  5. Why exactly, China isnt the best league in the world by any stretch of the imagination but he has a Project to take a side languishing near the bottom of the league to potential league champions. Pretty sure the exact opposite will have went on in negotiations over there to the bullshit he has had to endure here, they probably have heaps of ambition.
  6. Yep already had a few conversations with some of our 'Fans' on Twitter that were slating him.
  7. Numbers

    Lee Charnley

    Little prick is just as much to blame as Fat Mike, gets away scot free.
  8. That looks brilliant, thanks for the heads up.
  9. In the spirit of this thread I'm taking the ssshhh emoji as his way of saying it's under NDA. Based on absolutely nothing of course.
  10. Really want to believe but I'll stay on the fence until it's done.
  11. Lee Ryder has got me thinking now, if they actually want to be in charge they have to buy the club. Never considered that and thats a game changer, thanks Lee.
  12. Numbers


    Ahh now I know what they were singing "Sewpah Kev"
  13. That Van is clearly waiting to make a delivery into Sports Direct, full of prime stock.
  14. Numbers


    Jesus, so happy I watched this to see how fucking bad they are.
  15. Chronicle are usually the last to know anything, i love their Q&A's where they don't actually answer any questions because they haven't got a clue.
  16. Salah Dive away, that dive for the goal for the freekick. FA refs at their best.
  17. Disgusting corrupt cunts tbh.
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