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Everything posted by Numbers

  1. Yeah, it was commented on. Dunno what to make of it though. Wasnt he sitting next to him against Arsenal too?
  2. Is it just me or wasnt that Taylor? meh...
  3. Fat paceless,ballwatching misfit tbh
  4. Aye i see what your saying but nowts changed from when i was a boy,some mates supported Man Ure,Liverpool,Arsenal..whichever team had recently been the most succesfull.. Young kids are the worst Glory Hunters you can get...they change their teams more times than they change their Mustard and Brown Y Fronts.
  5. Numbers

    Peter Ramage

    He had a nightmare today,had to "fake" injury to save any further cockups.
  6. [sarcasm] Yea sure lets slag Parker off,hes our worst player after all. [/sarcasm] :roll:
  7. How many times did Shearer play shite and score btw? Martins did what hes there for and scored goals,he will only get better imo.
  8. He looks like that ponce out of eaton road..that group from the x factor (wor lass watches it not me honest!)
  9. Aye, and drop Bramble for Ramage. :wink: Did you watch the game today? As much as i hate to say it Bramble was outstanding. Dyer and Martins were also outstanding. Another one who hasn't read the rules, Bramble and Ameobi CANNOT have good games, they may appear to have had a good one but really they were shit and with a pub team footballer on the pitch instead we would have done better! Ahh ok yea when i think about it he was a bit shit.
  10. Aye, and drop Bramble for Ramage. :wink: Did you watch the game today? As much as i hate to say it Bramble was outstanding. Dyer and Martins were also outstanding.
  11. So you think hes a decent manager then? Jimmy Johnson from Jimmy Johnson land could do a better job tbh.
  12. I think your kidding yourself mate. We suck and you know we do,makes me sick to the pit of my stomach to see such a clueless pleb managing our club,show me a positive factor of Roeders management please.
  13. Lucked our way through tbh. Roeder is a clueless fucking gimp and for all those people who think we deserved to be through.... Really this is getting worse every day,we struggle to beat WATFORD ffs...our expenditure in the last year would probably buy their club,go figure. SHEPHERD,ROEDER and all the other fucking hangers on OUT!!
  14. The guy who sells the Ronny Gill outside Eldon Square could do a better job...Roeder is a clueless fucking ferret.
  15. Hero's every single one of them tbh.
  16. There are no words to describe how detrimental Carr is to our team. He's completely out of sync with the rest of the defence. If they push up he's always the one caught too deep and he's often caught out of position from attacking too much. He puts in poor crosses and on the occasions he's actually back to defend he gets skinned for being a fat bastard. Hes a fucking useless baboon.
  17. Pub team would have won today tbh.
  18. Awesome....hope fatty comes out and trys to explain himself ala Keegan after Andy Cole sale and gets fucking lynched.
  19. Yea tbh six easy points down the drain,fucking shambles tbh.
  20. Dont give me the tiredness shit,we could have played tomorrow but Fat Fred wanted it played today so he could pocket his £350,000 from skys coverage.
  21. Honeymoon period last season tbh.
  22. Numbers

    Are we down?

    Wish i believed you...i truely do.
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