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Everything posted by Numbers

  1. Roeder is tactically inept,but he was the fans choice.
  2. What exactly do you want "us" to do?
  3. I watched the game,and i saw fuck all good about it.
  4. Agree 100% On another day, we could of won 4-0 at least. Them "other days" never come though.
  5. put ameobi, sibs, or martins on the field and this is a route Hmm yea ok,they wouldnt have made a tosser of difference.
  6. Ive said it before and ill say it again..who can you see us beating..honestly? We cant beat the bottom team at home smells of relegation battle tbh.
  7. Second rate tactics,piss poor performance...same shit different game. Relegation Fodder tbh.
  8. Yea i mean its not like its happened before or something.
  9. Erm i think most people are aware of whats wrong with him and what is causing his injuries to flare up....well at least i think they do...dont they? I was under the impression it was just a rumour. I'd never seen any conclusive evidence of such. Yea ok nuff said...wink wink.
  10. Dont believe people are slagging parker off tbh.... blueconfused.gif
  11. Erm i think most people are aware of whats wrong with him and what is causing his injuries to flare up....well at least i think they do...dont they?
  12. Fuck this im sending for mulder and scully,something doesnt sound right here.
  13. Buy some speakers and a sound card you tight get bluebiggrin.gif I'm not spending money on a Windows 98 96ram computer that's about 10 years old. I have my eyes on a canny laptop but I'll probably plump for a desktop one near Xmas. My own machine is fucked and sitting on my floor. I have all my Mp3s, software, passwords etc. but I can't be spending all that money to get it fixed when I can buy a new one for that. If I get a nice little tickle I'll get it fixed, until then its this shitty machine with no speaker system. http://www.lipreading.org.uk/ :winking:
  14. Numbers


    Aye give him a break,he just got upset over what he thought was wrong,kudos for having the balls to say so tbh.
  15. Heh what a dickwad. blueyes.gif
  16. Numbers

    Tomorrow's Mirror!!

    Is that your roundabout way of proclaiming Alan Curbishley as the next Geordie Messiah? I say this: Bring back King Kev! Shhhh, you're talking yourself out of a job!! Mate - I'd happily change my username to Billy Big Bollocks if we appointed KK as manager again. KK isnt the answer here..honest.
  17. The board should be taken to an isolated field somewhere,tied and and made to watch somebody dig a trench 10 foot by ....i wont go on. They let us down,FF let us down,we needed world class he gave us dog shit,then had the cheek to tell us he was the fans choice...classic.
  18. Numbers


    *Newcastle have shit players shocker* The players are the combined fruits of FF, Souness and Roeders footballing knowledge. What did you expect? Yeppers..shit players for a shite regime.
  19. Numbers

    Narrowing it down

    Like i said hes not bright enough to make a decent decision.Thats why we need a change up top so to speak.
  20. Numbers

    Narrowing it down

    Took whatever he could get tbh,i think your reading it a little too deep.Hes not that bright in all honesty,its there for all to see.
  21. Numbers

    Tomorrow's Mirror!!

    None of this is the answer,we dont need any more "also rans".We need the best..simple as that.Im just pleased that someone will soon come up with the money to realise our potential. Fingers Crossed. too late to get the best that should of happened after KK or SBR we are right royally fucked :wullie: Never too late tbh,we just need someone with loads of cash and some common sence.
  22. Numbers

    Tomorrow's Mirror!!

    None of this is the answer,we dont need any more "also rans".We need the best..simple as that.Im just pleased that someone will soon come up with the money to realise our potential. Fingers Crossed.
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