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Everything posted by Numbers

  1. Retweets his own tweets from the TF twitter account, grim.
  2. Needs calling out, if he knows all members should have the same access to info. Gonna start a CAT claim against them
  3. Honestly I don't know this Alex Hurst guy but he comes across as a total attention whore, he's clearly got an inside track and some influence in the NUST. I cancelled my membership the other night otherwise I would be asking why as a member Alex knows how many new subs have come in the last 48 hours and I don't.
  4. How does he know so much about new members if he is no longer in the trust. And if indeed he isnt in the trust why isn't everyone privvy to this info?
  5. These Jigsaw botherers said owt daft today?
  6. I think i found out the problem with the trust, Alex Hurst, hes the ultimate glass half empty type. Defeated before he even begins.
  7. Dude has to go post on his account with 15k followers, what a fucking tool.
  8. That Alex bloke is one of the worst offenders for dividing the fan base, not sure why people listen to him. He's more interested in self promotion imo.
  9. Luke Edwards should be ignored at all costs, another example of someone making big bucks from Football despite being fucking terrible at their job. He's even admitted to trolling the fans yet he's still employed by his shit rag.
  10. Just shows how fucking thick Mike Ashley is to give a tinpot manager a 3m bonus if he gets sacked. Also how fucking shit is football when someone who is terrible at their job gets a huge payout when they get sacked, so detached from every other industry/business.
  11. His face is mega fucking offensive, probably sniffing the bum rub from earlier.
  12. I'm only watching in the hope that I see Bruce get pelters
  13. See theres massive interest on here, not even 2 pages lol.
  14. Sorry but them offering this kind of stuff is fucking embarassing, gonna have to block them before they become the next Wish/Wayfair etc.
  15. https://artybianco.co.uk/products/newcastle-legend-jigsaw?mc_cid=2a5bcfaf5b&mc_eid=20f9cc838c I'm hoping they have an air fryer next month.
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