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Everything posted by jong24

  1. If someone had told me 14 weeks ago, that this would still be going on in mid July without a yea or nay either way, I would have laughed in their face. Now, I just cry ? and I’m fed up with it all. FFS Make a decision!!
  2. It’s Thursday mate And they say an Elephant never forgets ?
  3. FFS Premier League, just put us out of our misery, one way or the fking other.............. PLEASE!
  4. Great post, I completely agree. I always said Ashley’s lack of ambition would eventually kill the passion. We need this and it’s not just the football club, the city and the whole area would benefit.
  5. Confidence has certainly taken a hit but still think it’s more likely to happen than not.
  6. Title change “Premier League has lost the plot over potential end of Mike Ashley’s tenure”?
  7. No, it's next week. ALWAYS NEXT WEEK!!! Err..... excuse me, can I just point you in the direction of “the other thread”. We’re a “glass half full lot” in here. ?
  8. Hate that North will rise again bullshit. North have won 21 of the last 30 league titles Meh. Not the proper North Exactly. Love this stuff myself and so does everyone else when it's on fucking Game of Thrones. Piss off Yorkshire, this is the real north. Living,I’m afraid, now in Leicestershire.....I goad all my supposedly northern friends(and those in Leicestershire believe they are in the north), that everyone south of the river Tyne is a southerner...I not arf get some stick. Basically anywhere south of Newcastle or Winterfell, ain’t north Nah, doesn’t hold up. The Angel of the North is in Gateshead. Ok, anywhere south of Gateshead and Winterfell ain’t north .......... Jeez!
  9. Hate that North will rise again bullshit. North have won 21 of the last 30 league titles Meh. Not the proper North Exactly. Love this stuff myself and so does everyone else when it's on fucking Game of Thrones. Piss off Yorkshire, this is the real north. Living,I’m afraid, now in Leicestershire.....I goad all my supposedly northern friends(and those in Leicestershire believe they are in the north), that everyone south of the river Tyne is a southerner...I not arf get some stick. Basically anywhere south of Newcastle or Winterfell, ain’t north
  10. Think most of the hatred is being saved up for a certain rather chubby, southern chap. Big in sportswear I believe (actually he’s big in any wear) ?
  11. Is this a new game? Date Registered: Thursday 9 February 2006, 07:36:37 PM Total Time Spent Online: 23 days, 22 hours and 10 minutes. Total Posts: 263 posts Total Topics Started: 4 topics Number of Polls Created: 2 polls Number of Votes Cast: 72 votes Almost a whole day of my life but in 14 years doesn’t seem so horrendous
  12. I think the second coming of Joe f’kn Kinnear is my #1. To do it once? but then to bring the idiot back!!
  13. Not Holts biggest fan but he’s pretty much nailed it there ???
  14. Bagpuss is in the building
  15. Me too. Quick recap. Poor first touch, can’t finish, poor in the air, can run a bit. Should fit in well here ?
  16. It’s like f*****g Groundhog f*****g Day!
  17. Is there no end to the constant stream of idiots?
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