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Everything posted by Joe_F

  1. I don't know how to interpret that tweet. Clearly suggests that things are still ongoing but for some reason but I'm reading the last sentence in a negative context. Don't think he meant it as a negative regarding the decision. But that the PL will have to explain why it's taken them so long.
  2. Should have punished it like.
  3. "There was no, no, what's the word I'm looking for " Top punditry from Souness.
  4. West Ham can't get a kick here
  5. Joe_F

    Transfer rumours

    Hopefully that's Jetro they're talking about being all set
  6. Good thread here. This latest letter from the MP is based on what was in the press rather than what was actually in the WTO report. Suggesting he hasn't actually read it
  7. If that was true they'd have shown the simulation by now to prove it
  8. So VAR could have overuled. Absolute joke.
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