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Everything posted by Joe_F

  1. Fuck how did that not go in ?
  2. Luke talking bollocks. Exclusivity can't end when the deals been agreed lol
  3. It's not a company from SA it's SA. The PL themselves described PIF as a company in SA like. whose chairman happens to be the crown prince of saudi arabia (and as far as I understand he's been making more and more decisions for the country the last few years) and its literally the public investment fund of saudi arabia how the hell can it not be considered an arm of the KSA goverment I know and you know it's the state. It doesn't necessarily follow that's the case legally.
  4. It's not a company from SA it's SA. The PL themselves described PIF as a company in SA like. And they know what their doing according to this thread It's nowt to do with if they know what they're doing. Its the strict legal position which presumably they were taking advice when they used that term.
  5. It's not a company from SA it's SA. The PL themselves described PIF as a company in SA like.
  6. Fucking Souness with his "I know how difficult the job is" and "demanding fans" bollocks.
  7. Shut up Smith he went right through him you dick
  8. Yup, back three of Fede, Krafth and Rose with Manquillo and Ritchie wingbacks lol
  9. Waits to see where the keepers diving then passes it to him
  10. This'll give a massive boost to West Brom can't see them fucking up now.
  11. What the fuck is the VAR ref looking at ??
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