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Everything posted by Minhosa

  1. Did it this week. Same but like the idiot I am I left him on the bench That's the kind of shit I'd do.
  2. Cabaye-esque levels of profit here. Woop, woop, so exciting.
  3. Like he fucking uncovered him or something the filthy cunt.
  4. Aye, if it was Ballotelli, they'd be giving it 'He's back........' etc etc
  5. Amazing what service into feet can do, isn't it you bellend?
  6. Bringing on Sess is exactly what I'd be doing if I was Irvine. He can work between the lines and AP will shit himself.
  7. What? That's sentiment. Silva is tiny, should he bulk up like? Silva has a centre of gravity and no history of being blown over in slight winds.
  8. Santoon is taking him to the gym on Monday to spot him and give him a hand in the showers.
  9. That cunt is so lightweight a fucking light wind would knock him over.
  10. Isn't that Cab-elllllaaaahhh that religion that Madonna preaches?
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