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Everything posted by Minhosa

  1. Going to have to travel to London tomorrow to explain himself. No doubt, this'll go down like a lead balloon in the Ashley household tonight.
  2. tbf they won't give a shit about losing this. Aye but he's losing prem games and CL games, he's on the way out.
  3. Stuck with the cunt forever, like it was ever in doubt.
  4. Same here. Yup. AP's just texted Mike to apologise. 'Soz Gaffer, will offer less fret next round. Say hello to Dekka from me. Love Pards x'.
  5. He's blowing out of his arse to be fair. He's been looking for the final whistle since we scored.
  6. Tards pretending to be angry when he's really thinking 'Thank fuck..........'
  7. Pardew shaking like a shitting dog on the sidelines, thinking desperately how he can fuck up the formation to throw the game.
  8. Moncur looks fucking ancient. That's what you get for working with cunts.
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