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Everything posted by Minhosa

  1. Minhosa

    St James' Park

    He's obviously fancied a change at home and sent us this heap of shite from his living room. Bet the cunt has left the controls back in Northampton and it'll be on standby all game.
  2. Minhosa

    Peter Beardsley

    Would love to know the 'greatness' scale he's applied to reach that conclusion.
  3. Minhosa

    Remy Cabella

    Fixed. Stick some dodgy gnashers on his face and he's like a Freddie Mercury lovechild.
  4. Minhosa

    Remy Cabella

    http://i.imgur.com/Ep1kt9M.png Gabriel style. Looks like he's got Aids........................Hmmmm.
  5. Dyer man, what a waste of a career.
  6. One of the very few things I remember from my Law A level is that price tickets are simply an invitation to treat. Handing over goods with a total ticket price of £300, or whatever, letting them ring them all through the tills and offering a pound is completely legal. A complete waste of their time obviously, but it's not illegal iirc. Not illegal at all.
  7. Ashley will be walking around with a proper bonk on if he can pick him up for less than £8m-£10m. People will herald his business acumen. Whilst we'll be stuck with a injury prone drunkard prone to chinning his team mates.
  8. Imagine being in a position where there are only 251 people in the whole world with more money than you. Fucking hell. That's insane. Rangers is a much more realistic punt than us imho. They can walk it back into the CL. He'll recoup his money and, if he wants, flog it. We are just not that. Not by a long stretch. Still scratching my head as to what the future for us looks like and can't see how the Ashley regime depart at this stage.
  9. They'll get him for a third of that if they've got the bottle to go in low enough. Aye - he'll kick off and demand a move imho. He's after a move.
  10. I think we've been here before. Twice.
  11. Anita is still our best midfielder for me. He keeps the game ticking over. He just needs far better options around him. In a good team, he'd look very very good.
  12. Aye - the writings on the wall. We've all been here before.
  13. Agreed. With some ability and movement around him he'd look a much better player imho.
  14. City, Chelsea and Boro treble: Tenner pays £42.00. Also having a bet on Cardiff away to Brighton as Brighton struggling to score goals and 11/4 seems too generous to me.
  15. Exactly. Tells a story. Yes, he's one of our better players. From a massively under-performing club at the arse-end of the league. His contribution has been 6 games, zero goals, zero assists and I can't recall him having any positive influence on the teams performances. If he's a 'better player', I struggle to get my head around what he'd have to do to be considered one of our poorer players.
  16. My neighbours dog has a better level of football intelligence man. He's as think as mince. You're just talking shit here man, no substance. People say; "How come he plays well and maintains his place in a good French national team?" You say; "he's shit and thick and i hate him" It's just noise. I don't hate him. I've got no views on him as a person. I do judge him as a footballer though and maintain that he shows no footballing intelligence whatsoever. I'll give you a comparison......................Nobby Solano was a thinking footballer. He played the game with his head first and feet a very close second. Beardsley or Sheringham would be other examples. He doesn't consider the wider game when he plays. He gets the ball, sticks his head down and attempts to batter his way through the opposition, showing very little guile in the meantime. It's all well and good saying we offer very little movement (never in question) but this guy would rarely see the pass anyway. We've been blessed with some fantastic midfielders over the years. This guy will never be one.
  17. I did fucking snigger at the irony of him training the team in defensive shape, the threats of the opposition etc for 80% of the week when he whined last night about the final third being a worry. Well there's a shocker Alan.
  18. My neighbours dog has a better level of football intelligence man. He's as think as mince.
  19. A lack of movement is not an excuse for him being unable to pass a ball accurately. Nor is it an excuse for him being as thick as shit.
  20. You have a date for the surgery? He's fucking woeful man. I've walked past two lampposts and three fence panels today and all of them have got more intelligence than this bloke.
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