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Everything posted by Minhosa

  1. Our ownership saga aside (well, as aside as it can be) I'm really falling back in love with football this year. More so after seeing the build up to the premiership over the last few days. SSN making it out to be some sort of second coming for football fans across the world. Fuck that. Give me you're proper fans, proper old fashioned stadiums, your new away trips, your more sensible referee's, your proper tackles and your end to end entertainment. Thank god for Championship football - it's revived my love for the game. All we need now is a NUFC takeover and I'll be on cloud nine. Anyone else feel the same?
  2. Tis good money for him, considering he's completely finished. That said, money in the bank is absolutely no good to us whatsoever, it's money on the pitch we need and none of these wanky loan signings either.
  3. Stan Collymore joined the secret doggers society. George Michael likes this. Michael Barrymore is off for a cheeky dip. 10 mins ago Stuart Lubbocks family dislike this.
  4. Garth Crooks joined the group 'a protest for more space to write your status'. Oba Martins & Kanu are attending their joint 40th Birthday Shindig - Celestine Babayaro & Tijini Babaginda like this.
  5. Minhosa

    Danny Guthrie

    When is he due back from this injury?
  6. Minhosa

    RIP sale thread.

    I think Shearer may have denied the Barry Moat bid when interviewed yesterday. Reckon Anal has it wrong and there's something in this.
  7. "but his movement was immense" SAF. Yeah ok. Nailed on to be in Fabio's squad come the world cup. Can't recall ever wishing an injury on a player before but he tests my good will. I hope we draw them in a cup just for the opportunity to rinse the welsh bastard.
  8. Minhosa

    RIP sale thread.

    Maybe the Jesmond pad is a holiday home. That's the one with the big black gates and sophisticated security system Dave.
  9. He's by no means the finished article. I think Spurs are taking a bit of a chance spunking £8m+ on him. See ya Seb. You can mince off into the sunset like the rest of your countrymen have over the years.
  10. Minhosa

    RIP sale thread.

    Moat looks like a Simon Jordan wannabee.
  11. Minhosa

    RIP sale thread.

    Sicko - We're not £100m though are we? Isn't that the purchase fee followed by an expectation to take on the overdraft and a repayable loan to Ashley?
  12. I'll go for Jonas. What do I win?
  13. They've made him a shareholder. Interesting retention strategy. Be even more interesting should he bugger off and still have a say about how they manage the business. Hmmmmm
  14. Minhosa

    RIP sale thread.

    I still think he'll sell..............he's going for damage limitation from his personal viewpoint and I dare say if we'd been in his position and made a poor decision to buy into a club we had no affection for - I dunno say Blackburn or someone - we would be doing the same thing. Drag it out, have Seymour Pierce tell bidders you're on the verge of taking it off the market, send out some messages fairly soon to the same effect and barter up the price as high as possible - probably hours before the transfer window deadline. I've lost all respect for the bastard a long time ago (I was a vociferous supporter of his - ashamed to say) but can understand why he's doing what he is from a commercial perspective when taking my own emotion as a supporter out of the equation and taking a step back.
  15. I'm sure Crouch would've come to us if we were still in the Premiership. It's not the North East, it's Sunderland - face facts Big Nose.
  16. He's got a chance in the championship of getting some good grounding in the game. I'd rather he stayed.
  17. Random. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/teams/n/notts_county/8160968.stm
  18. They'd be able to get him on a free as well and I doubt he'd demand high wages. Not sure how Mark Bright would cope with the pressure of replacing Messi though.
  19. Said more in two weeks than he has in two years. Guilty conscience, Mikey?
  20. Speaking of which, I wonder which birth certificate they use when they are getting their car insurance Don't know but my mate at elephant.com reckons Oba's Ferrari insurance is £250 a year with his 15 years no claims discount added. It would've only been £180 for third party fire and theft.
  21. At least Oba will be able to flog the ferrari and hop on all public transport for nowt. Good times.
  22. Agreed. The pair would be take a huge amount of replacing. Shearer on a rolling contract would at least be able to keep a lid on all of this shite but I doubt he'd sign anything with Ashley and co unwilling to give any guarantee on any potential transfer pot etc etc
  23. Enrique is one of the only players I'd really like to stay. I thought he came on in leaps and bounds last year. And it's good that he sounds like he could be convinced to stay. That said I really don't know what the players hope to achieve by this public whinging. As I said about Nolan yesterday all it will serve to do is further worry fans (who deserve it less than anyone) and make them look self-serving. It's nice to hear one of the fuckers take responsibility for the relegation though. Shame our tosspiece of a Captain didn't feel it appropriate whilst he was still in our employment.
  24. It's a shame Guantanamo's been shut because if we could have sent him there and had him waterboarded I'd be a little more inclined to hear him out. Failing that we could just drown the bastard.
  25. I'd be amazed if they didn't buy at least two more players before the window closes. If not, they'll struggle to win the title imo.
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