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Everything posted by SUPERTOON

  1. Is campbell on a free he is according to NOTW
  2. Id rather sign Tevez than them two. BUT if the option was a good cb and baines then them.
  3. Sidwell and Barnes would signal end of Emre?? and someone else??
  4. Most of the players shouldnt be there by then anyway
  5. Wonder who the sunday papers links him to. No after match interview from him today sammy lee said just have to see what happens
  6. I wounder how much cash boro have because they need strengthening in lots of area 7 million gone out of there budget.
  7. This story was on skysports.com yesterday no actual link to newcastle.
  8. One game doesnt mean a new contract we all no he will continue to make same mistakes.
  9. COME ON LADS lets do a chelsea last minute winner TOON TOON BLACK N WHITE ARMY
  10. Chelsea dont conceade from set pieces need a wonder strike.
  11. We need to take a chance to have any chance of getting a point. Chelsea WILL score TOON TOON
  12. We havent scored at home for ages wont do so today COME ON THE LADS
  13. no suprises roeder will wait till last 5 mins COME ON THE TOON
  14. Chelsea still have Shevchenko and Joe Cole to bring on if needed.
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