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Everything posted by SUPERTOON

  1. One game doesnt mean a new contract we all no he will continue to make same mistakes.
  2. COME ON LADS lets do a chelsea last minute winner TOON TOON BLACK N WHITE ARMY
  3. Chelsea dont conceade from set pieces need a wonder strike.
  4. We need to take a chance to have any chance of getting a point. Chelsea WILL score TOON TOON
  5. We havent scored at home for ages wont do so today COME ON THE LADS
  6. no suprises roeder will wait till last 5 mins COME ON THE TOON
  7. Chelsea still have Shevchenko and Joe Cole to bring on if needed.
  8. You say that as if whoever his replacement is (Carrol, Luque?!) would definitely do better. That said, maybe we could move Dyer in there and get Zoggy on, or even play Zoggy behind Martins just so he can utilise his pace down the middle? Give Carroll a go if he is going to be good enough 45 mins against Terry will do him the world of good.
  9. We will still loose and Chelsea will be comfortable BUT COME ON THE TOON
  10. even if chelsea play bad they will score lucky deflected last minute goal.
  11. would be exciting attacking team
  12. Mourinho will be excited his team have closed the gap to 1 point without needidng to play COME ON THE TOON
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