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  1. A League Semi Final on TNT Sports 1. In extra time.
  2. If he does somehow make the game, whoever goes needs to give the fucker the same amount of abuse that made The King cry.
  3. Doesn’t feel real. Ashley sucked so much life and joy out of the club. Moved to Australia in 2013 and it’s been a slog having to get up to watch the games - bar some good moments with Rafa. Can finally start buying shirts from the club again. Howay The Lads
  4. jwillie

    Alan Pardew

    I don't like Pardew He's not a Messiah, he's just a knob He doesn't have brains, tactics or talent for the job He floats around blind, playing DM's in threes And no-one understands, why he still plays Guti Get rid of him!
  5. http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mapv8byoHv1qfmt79.gif
  6. jwillie

    Papiss Cissé

    He will come good. As long as we won it is ok.
  7. Him walking backstage like he is at Monday Night Raw ready to come out
  8. Why is Van dar Vaart going? Has that come out of the blue? He is one of their best players.
  9. http://i183.photobucket.com/albums/x167/captncroc/funny%20wrestling%20gifs/UltimateWarriorRoidRage.gif This is getting too much now! Everything has gone quiet!
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