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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Definitely some of that going on. Remember Dortmund being in for Dost when we were showing interest.


    Have not heard him linked with anyone else since their guy claimed we needed to pay more, and we seemingly walked away or cooled our interest.

  2. It is very likely De Jong wll play off of the striker.


    Let's imagine that McClaren is familiar with Anita and rates him, and will look to use him how Swansea used Brittain back in the day, so he will play that deep role.


    So Sissoko would then be more of the box to box midfielder. Now if he goes and we replace him with someone like Wijnaldum in that role then I'm cool with that.


    From what I've seen he's a lot more versatile, technical and tactically astute.



  3. Just want him to go somewhere else other than Palace. Can't say I really wnat him back here tbh.


    He was great here, but he left, and we should just leave it at that. Enjoy the memories.


    If we are after a midfielder like Wijnaldum, then I'm very happy with that.

  4. Linked with a young Albanian DM the same height as Anita. Seems unlikely right? Thought so too.


    But guess who he plays for? PAOK in Greece.


    I expect us to sign him now. 100%.


    Mike will be sniffing around all the Greek clubs like a charver around his discount donnay bins.



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