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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. See they've now set up a fund to buy Advocaat's wife some flowers for allowing him to sign. Up to £650 now just to show how class they are and to show "us" up. Comments include "donated a fiver FTM". Says it all.


    Suppose we better set up a fund for McClaren's wife - if only to try and keep the him away.


    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


    This is a joke right?!

  2. Guys, you can trust me, I'm a very good judge of character. We're set for a very good season. McClaren will do really well, as will the players.


    Looks at Kaka's sig.....  :aww:


    Yeah, so whoever put that there, the season's over so we can ditch that now please :lol:

  3. Mate at work just made £1200 off this appointment after getting a tip off a couple of days ago. True story :lol:




    Why don't we have these kind of ITKs?!

  4. :lol: I am genuinely fascinated to see if I can come to hate this guy as I did Pardew. Don't think it's possible. He's actually a pretty nice guy, which I will appreciate after Pardew and Carver.


    Besides I think he will do well,so it won't be necessary  O0

  5. Milner's been a success at City overall. A squad player but an important one. A more versatile Darren Fletcher in some ways. Always used when you needed someone to standup and be counted. Often best used against top sides and the sides that scrap the most.


    If used in central midfield and he can perform like he was doing there for Villa, he's a great signing. If he's been brought in to be messed about how Man City messed him about then it is a horrendous signing.

  6. Looks like Cleverly might be going to Everton.


    I don't know what to think of that.


    For about 25 games for us, he was one of the worst players I've seen play for us in a long, long time. It became a joke that he was, for some reason, undroppable. If you'd asked me then if I wanted to sign him permanently, I'd have said not a chance, not even being free.


    Then Sherwood came and he had five or six games where he was really excellent. Then three or four where he was as s*** as he was earlier in the season.


    I don't know which is the Tom Cleverly we'd be signing.


    He played his most consistent and best football for Martinez at Wigan, so no surprise he's joined up with him again.

  7. They're just 1 week into the end of the season, and are so negative and unsure of themselves that they've settled on the guy on a 1 year deal, just because he kept them up. I mean that is incredibly depressing.


    More likely they've got someone lined up for the season after I'd imagine.


    The season's just ended! Who on Earth needs a year's notice, and why would you want them then.  :lol:


    Who wouldn't wait for the genius that is Sam Allardyce?


    Now that would be hilarious!  :lol:

  8. Carr's sort of put himself on the line with this. Not really, because I'm sure Ashley and Charnley won't touch him even if this goes south. But, hypothetically, he's put himself on the line with this.


    No doubt. This is all on Carr for sure.


    He's the most capable football person we have though, and so it is best that way.


    let's see what happens.

  9. They're just 1 week into the end of the season, and are so negative and unsure of themselves that they've settled on the guy on a 1 year deal, just because he kept them up. I mean that is incredibly depressing.


    More likely they've got someone lined up for the season after I'd imagine.


    The season's just ended! Who on Earth needs a year's notice, and why would you want them then.  :lol:

  10. They're just 1 week into the end of the season, and are so negative and unsure of themselves that they've settled on the guy on a 1 year deal, just because he kept them up. I mean that is incredibly depressing.

  11. There's so much money in the league now that any club can go out there and get some top players.


    All you really require is people in charge that know what they're doing and you have a chance to threaten the top 6 teams for league position.

  12. The thing about this hiring is that we will see how serious they are almost immediately.


    With the manager now on board with the head scout, if we don't have players flying in left , right and centre, you can be certain that nothing aat this club will ever work, regardless of who is in place anywhere.

  13. If he was so good for Lille, he wouldn't have ended up between a choice of Aston Villa & Newcastle United. He only started receiving bids from top teams when he proved himself in the PL, under Pardew. Newcastle and therefore Pardew, essentially helped him double, triple maybe quadruple his wages over  the last 4 years. I would think Cabaye, Ba & Debuchy would have a decent impression of Pards. They came to Newcastle & him to be a stepping stone for their careers and it worked.


    He was at the same club as players who were picked up by Arsenal & Chelsea. He was no bairn either.


    Dude, all we did was give him greater exposure. Pardew in no way, shape or form made him a better player. Not having that at all.

  14. He's a good player, but he won't improve them imo. Assuming he is going to start week in week out.


    He will do if they play him in central midfield.


    I would do this as well, always though he's a CM. For some reason no actual professional managers agree though.


    He was brilliant there for Villa, under O'Neill I think it was, and was set to become a staple there for them. He then joined Man City, and that was the end of that.

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