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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. I like McClaren, tbh. I think he will do fairly well here if given good players and/or the finances to pursue talent. Also, a much better face for the club than the Pardew character.There are obviously still persistent  and deep issues with the way NUFC is operated, but the manager's seat will have it's best occupant since September 2008, imo.



    Yes, I agree.


    Also key is that we now have a manager in tune with Carr.


    There can therefore be no excuses for not getting players in, and on time, and then having them used properly.


    The first thing to see is whether recruitment improves drastically, now there should be no more discord behind the scenes.


    Yeah but


    It’s not a case of someone getting the job because he’s a friend of a friend or he knows someone.




    It's not even that their friends for me, but that they respect each others work.


    McClaren will value Carr's ability, and will better appreciate the players being brought in, and will be more involved in tha process, and have discussions with him about how to maximise their performances when they join, rather than keep harping on about Bent and Tomkins like that previous idiot did.


    Okay the setup hasn't worked so far, but from my viewpoint that was largely down to Pardew's lack of real ability or ingenuity.


    Carr has been trying to get in the kind of players we want to see, but the manager had no interest in ever trying to play the football we want to see. it was a major disconnect.

  2. I like McClaren, tbh. I think he will do fairly well here if given good players and/or the finances to pursue talent. Also, a much better face for the club than the Pardew character.There are obviously still persistent  and deep issues with the way NUFC is operated, but the manager's seat will have it's best occupant since September 2008, imo.



    Yes, I agree.


    Also key is that we now have a manager in tune with Carr.


    There can therefore be no excuses for not getting players in, and on time, and then having them used properly.


    The first thing to see is whether recruitment improves drastically, now there should be no more discord behind the scenes.

  3. The Magpies are also understood to have sounded out Lee Clark about a possible backroom role next season.




    Explains the sudden burst of arse-kissing.



    Yep - quite amazing how many of these c***s will sell their soles for a few pennies.


    Any hard earned credibility is lost forever.


    Tbf I don't think you can get much more than a few pennies for a shoe sole.


    :lol: :lol: :lol:

  4. If that whopper is appointed I'm going to shag Mike Ashleys daughter (how old is she?)


    She'd probably end up having a son.


    Leading to yet another generation of the Ashley family continuing to own the club.


    Guess who wins again ...

  5. One thing that has been underestimated IMO is the effect Pardew's attitude had to getting players signed.


    Constantly arguing he needed Tomkins and fucking Bent man, whenever options were shown to him, and claiming he didn't know who they were. or if they were good enough.


    The man was a disaster for this club. A huge one.

  6. What do you expect Carr to do? He's go this own job of getting good players in, which he will feel he has been doing, while the managers have made them look bad.


    Of course he's going to want to work with someone he knows and can have discussions about how to maximize the potential of the players being brought in.


    Ultimately things will work best if Carr and the manager are on the same page to be honest.


    I have defended Carr plenty in the (even recent) past, but I agree his role in this charade is quite contemptible. With his knowledge of European football you would have expected him to be able to pinpoint an up and coming manager that fits the profile, rather than a past it mate of his. Smacks of putting his personal priorities above that off the club, something I was confident he off all people in charge at the club was not interested in.


    Yeah, would have been nice to have him bring in someone up and coming that was more exciting, but I blame Pardew for this in all honesty. The misuse of the players probably having him want to play it safer with someone that he knows will definitely be on the same wavelength, and not just claim to be while causing issues behind the scenes.


    Whole situation is messed up.



  7. What do you expect Carr to do? He's go this own job of getting good players in, which he will feel he has been doing, while the managers have made them look bad.


    Of course he's going to want to work with someone he knows and can have discussions about how to maximize the potential of the players being brought in.


    Ultimately things will work best if Carr and the manager are on the same page to be honest.


    Not when this arsehole is the manager it doesn't.


    What makes Carr this "super" scout ? because we got a bargain in Cabaye, brought in Sissoko on the cheap before his contract ran down and a few promising youngsters in Haidara and Perez ? There's really not much else of note on his resume, remember the team he's helped to build has finished 16th, 10th and 15th in the last 3 season (under awful management but still there has been an acknowledgment that the squad has simply not been good enough). Is this really better than the scouting they have at clubs like Southampton, Swansea, Crystal Palace or any other club that finished way above us last year.


    "Jobs for the boys" very rarely if ever works.


    Carr isn't going anywhere though, so you might as well bring in someone that will work with him, surely?!


    IMO Carr has done a good job getting players in, and it's a damn shame they haven't been used properly for the most part.

  8. What do you expect Carr to do? He's go this own job of getting good players in, which he will feel he has been doing, while the managers have made them look bad.


    Of course he's going to want to work with someone he knows and can have discussions about how to maximize the potential of the players being brought in.


    Ultimately things will work best if Carr and the manager are on the same page to be honest.


    Lucky Carr isn't mates with Kinnear then.


    Yes, exactly.

  9. What do you expect Carr to do? He's go this own job of getting good players in, which he will feel he has been doing, while the managers have made them look bad.


    Of course he's going to want to work with someone he knows and can have discussions about how to maximize the potential of the players being brought in.


    Ultimately things will work best if Carr and the manager are on the same page to be honest.

  10. Club probably thinking/hoping that after 6 months under Carver, we'll see McClaren as some sort of managerial coup.


    I might feel slightly better about Schteve if he manages to bin Carver and Stone as coaches and fetch his own people in.

    If he keeps them on, then little or nothing is going to change.




    God willing, aye.

  11. 6 ft 3 at 16! Might end up at around 6ft 8.


    Interesting how he was a defender over here (clearly because he was tall), but then goes to Spain and has a chance to develop all areas of his game, and shows he can be a striker, and so is converted despite his height.


    :lol: And now he'll come back and they'll launch the ball at him from orbit.




    Balls played into feet in sunny Spain to missiles launched onto your cranium in freezing Newcastle.


    God help him.

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