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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. That article sheds quite a bit of light on the possible goings-on at SJP. And paints Charnley a far more important and dangerously influential figure than we'd first imagined him to be. As has been said above, I can totally imagine this motherfucking muppet convincing everyone, including the fat one, of not replacing Pards, selling all our f***ing defenders, and not bringing a single player in, all because "we're safe now, innit." What a f***ing bed you've made, Lee, now f***ing lie in it and quiver as the world around you crumbles and Liam Neeson comes after you.


    Yeah, that's how I read things.


    Ashley just seems to not know a damn thing, and so just decides on someone to run things, and then goes off to torture Sports Direct employees.


    Could definitely see Charnley trying to be one of the lads and trying to impress pardew and Carver by buying into their bollocks.


    The way we got rid of those players in January made no sense. He's also probably set things up to give that oaf Craver a chance to get the job, because they're pals.


    Looks really dodgy IMO.

  2. I know it's barely relevant but I thought Riviere had a decent game at the weekend.


    I still like him. If he was in that team with Ben Arfa and Cabaye we'd be loving him right now. He didn't even get the chance to start the season with De Jong the poor guy.


    Club insiders have told Telegraph Sport that Charnley repeatedly assured Ashley, and other members of the board, there was no chance that Newcastle could go down this season, even after Alan Pardew quit as manager to join Crystal Palace. The 37-year-old has been widely accused of complacency and that will not sit well with Ashley, whose ambition for the club is defined by one desire – to make sure they do not have to worry about relegation.


    Definitely believe that. Charnley is clearly a complete idiot. Probably trying to get his pal Carver the gig the moron.


    If it came down to Carver being the reason we didn't get Garde etc. that would be absolutely intolerable I swear.

  4. A couple of cousins of mine played against Beardsley in one of those club-organised games you can buy a couple of years ago. Said Beardsley scored 6 goals in the space of 10 minutes without breaking sweat. One of them's a decent athlete in his early 20s and said Beardsley did him for pace time after time.


    So yeah, I'd play him.


    'kin ell  :lol:


    The state of the British youth man ...


    Nigerian youths on the other hand are just slow in another sense.






    This guy!

  5. A couple of cousins of mine played against Beardsley in one of those club-organised games you can buy a couple of years ago. Said Beardsley scored 6 goals in the space of 10 minutes without breaking sweat. One of them's a decent athlete in his early 20s and said Beardsley did him for pace time after time.


    So yeah, I'd play him.


    'kin ell  :lol:


    The state of the British youth man ...

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