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Posts posted by KaKa



    It's the one joy I have had in this miserable season you jester!


    Just because that hippopotamus of an owner didn't bother getting a manager in to replace him, despite getting compensation for that nitwit, don't you dare suggest such nonsense.


    Absolutely awful stuff man.

  2. Then they ask the crowd to stick with the team, and make some noise in the stadium. Ben Arfa got them doing that all by himself, with some of his play. But let's all forget that ever happened, because Pardew said.


    Honestly, this stuff is so difficult to stomach. Pardew will suffer multiple atrocities for the nonsense he has got away with in his time here. He will suffer terribly in due time.

  3. It never ceases to amaze me how Alan Pardew managed to convince so many people that Ben Arfa wasn't good enough for us. Absolutely staggering.


    You know, just because I wasn't Ben Arfa's biggest fan doesn't mean I rate Pardew and hang on his every word...


    So your basing your opinion from actually watching him play then? I find that very difficult to believe when he was often the only source of any creativity or ingenuity in the whole side.


    Not only was he one of our best players, he was absolutely indispensable. I would have asked the full back on his side to not venture past halfway if it meant him staying in the side, and then have a midfielder cover for him defensively if need be. You know why? Because he was that vital for us.

  4. I don't think I've seen one of our players actually beat someone out wide since this guy left the club.


    But hey, I guess that doesn't matter, as long as they're all tracking back. That has served both ourselves and Hull very very well.



  5. No wonder England are so poor. The mentality of these players at such a young age is apalling.




    Hang on a second. Let's not pretend this is unique to England. Isco to Real Madrid, Sergio Ramos to Real Madrid off the top of my head. This isn't a Moses, Sinclair, Rodwell, generic flavour of the month type.


    We just signed the Ajax captain in the summer. Where was the complaints about football gone mad?


    Are you even following the discussion at all?


    De Jong is not some little scrote that was making a big fuss, and releasing stupid statements via his dumb agent. What a terrible and silly argument.


    Are we ignoring the fact it was Rodgers that first blabbed to the media about it? I don't think Sterling handled it brilliantly BUT he would not have done interviews if Rodgers didn't try to pressure him into it


    So because Rodgers jumps off a tall building, Sterling should too?


    Whose reputation is going to suffer more? Who is going to have to deal with all of the fallout from this?


    The boy is incredibly stupid IMO.

  6. No wonder England are so poor. The mentality of these players at such a young age is apalling.




    Hang on a second. Let's not pretend this is unique to England. Isco to Real Madrid, Sergio Ramos to Real Madrid off the top of my head. This isn't a Moses, Sinclair, Rodwell, generic flavour of the month type.


    We just signed the Ajax captain in the summer. Where was the complaints about football gone mad?


    Are you even following the discussion at all?


    De Jong is not some little scrote that was making a big fuss, and releasing stupid statements via his dumb agent. What a terrible and silly argument.



  7. Nobody in here has given him any genuine plaudits. He's just done more than most in our terrible team. Including a number of options at CM including Anita and Carver-era Abeid.


    You are correct about the media but it's not really the media. Just John Carver frin wghat iv;e seen


    The guy got an England call up this season, with the current England manager actually referring to him as the Ginger Pirlo (whether in jest or not, it was ridiculous).

  8. I actually like it (for a change). I don't mind the blue at all, but what really gets me is how much of a stinker the back is, I mean f***ing hell :lol:


    They tried to do something a little different. I think it's alright too.


    Don't understand the back though. But then again I'm never as concerned about the back. Probably because I never really buy football shirts.

  9. And Liverpool today are far more ambitious and competitive than that Everton team ever was.


    Funnily enough, a comparable talent in Ross Barkley signed a new contract with Everton just this season. Despite being linked with all these top clubs also.




    Barkley has less goals and assists than Colback this season


    But yet most of the top teams would have him, and he didn't hold Everton to ransom, and act like a div.


    By the way I would take Barkley over Sterling any day. No question.

  10. And Liverpool today are far more ambitious and competitive than that Everton team ever was.


    Funnily enough, a comparable talent in Ross Barkley signed a new contract with Everton just this season. Despite being linked with all these top clubs also.



  11. If Sterling signs for Man City he's be their 3rd best attacking player after Aguero and Silva. He's not doing a Scott Sinclair ffs


    He'll be at West Ham/West Brom/Swansea within two years. He's not that good. He's scored 7 league goals this season. Jack Colback's got 4 ffs.


    This is the big joke in this whole thing. He hasn't even been that productive!


    He's completely full of it. Stupid boy.

  12. Argh ... people have so little integrity and self respect man. Really pisses me off.


    All this stupid boy had to do was just keep his mouth shut and get on with it, like Carragher is saying.


    Really disgraceful this. I doubt anyone on here would advice their son to do this.

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