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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. The wanting a passionate Geordie thing is so insulting, and I'm not even a Geordie. Not sure how you guys are able to stomach that stuff. I find it pretty disgusting.

  2. The Raylor thing is completely unacceptable, and the selection of Jonas is close to being the same.


    Those two shouldn't be in the match day squads.

  3. The worst thing is how nobody mentioned the side Carver chose. Raylor and Jonas as CM's. They can talk about how LVG was playing lads out of position to criticise him but not Carver.


    Being British buys you a very long leash with the press.


    So infuriating man ... how do these guys get a pass so easily?! And then every other fan just regurgitates their nonsense.


    I was at an event last week, and a bunch of us started talking football, and they were all telling me how Carver is an honest man and cares about the club, and it's not his fault the team isn't performing.


    I wanted their blood strewn across the floor.

  4. Danny Mills was co-commentating on the Leicester feed I watched and he wouldn't shut up about Jamie Vardy being the difference between the two sides and how we should get Armstrong on (after about 30mins) instead of Ayoze or Riviere because he cares about the club, would work his arse off and run about loads and apparently 'is in good form'. It epitomised a lot of what people are saying on here about the British mentality to football, ie work hard and you'll win. Nothing was mentioned of the fact that we had Ryan Taylor and Jonas playing centre midfield and no shape or system to speak of, just that we didn't have anyone that worked as hard as Jamie bloody Vardy. It's infuriating and almost unbelievable that someone who played at international level would think that.


    :lol: no way! So sick of this type of rhetoric man.

  5. Just responding to some of the posts above e.g. Gino's experiences playing in academies.


    I was not attacking your country man! Please take it easy  :lol:


    I think younger more talented managers are beginning to emerge, who have grown up more inspired by your Arsenal's, Barcleona's etc. and so it's just a matter of time before the dinosaurs all die out.

  6. Genuinely cannot believe how backwards the attitude to football is in this country.


    It does seem that most of the people involved in the game, are typically not the most educated sort. Their backlash towards anyone who tries to talk about the game in a more educated manner is nothing more than their insecurities coming to the fore.


    It is absolutely terrible.


  7. every time I see this bumped i can't avoid the horrible, chilling thought that we've appointed him manager


    Thought the exact same thing when I clicked on this  :lol:

  8. I'm so angry I could explode  :lol:


    This idiot is even more clueless than I could have ever imagined.


    That quote about systems meaning nothing is all you need to know about this idiot. We are so screwed man.


    Jonas and Raylor in midfield, and I didn't see a single pundit question this at any point over the weekend!

  9. That white van man tale is the absolute worst thing ever uttered. So incredibly infuriating and enraging. I really hate all this nonsense, and am just absolutely sick of it. PLEASE MAKE IT STOP.

  10. Seeing his contract situation and his three magnificent seasons at Vallecas, Newcastle are one of the premier league teams most decided to bet on Paco. The magpies want to rejuvenate the greatness lost in these past times and, above all, recover their lost indentity, built around exciting football.

    In fact, John Carver, a local man that got the reigns of the team after the sacking (sic) of Alan Pardew, hasn't worked as intended, going through a seven game losing streak that give him no chance of remaining in charge. Paco's style is the choice to bring back exciting football to Saint James' Park.





  11. I'm tempted to get a ticket near the dugout and then abuse the c*** so he calls me. Then ring the chronicle and emphasise what a massive c*** he is.


    Thought exactly the same t'other day. I'd abuse him all game, wait for him to bite back then beat him up.



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