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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Anyone know if Bet365 will pay out on him as our next manager? Put some money on him to get the job when hammered a few weeks ago.


    Way to have your priorities in order bro. You really are a disgrace.


    Can I get a hallelujah? It would definitely stoke my interest in Newcastle getting a fellow Naija on board.


    Hopefully, he signs here, becomes the best midfielder of his generation, leads us to unseen glory, then switches his allegiance to Nigeria and leads them to the World Cup Title. I've never seen or heard of him until today, but my hopes are high.




    Yup, we would really need him to represent though. Babayaro, Martins and the Ameobi's haven't represented well so far.

  3. Carver is going to get booed so bad when we start getting battered. He will then quit.


    We will then spend another 4 weeks 'looking for a manager', and then will give it to Beardsley.


    Beardsley will relegate us, and Colo will then take over. Until he gets caught cheating again, and will then return to Argentina forever.


    Shola will get injured playing for Pulis, and have to retire. Just in time to come in and manage us.


    Everything Isn't Just Bad Forever. Everything Is Shola Forever.

  4. Another season written off. It's f***ing scandalous and an absolute insult to season ticket holders.


    In January! :lol:


    I mean how can they be so ridiculous to ask fans to wait for a manager until the end of the season, in January!


    I have never seen anything like it.


  5. Until the summer? yeah right he's got it full time..


    Could very well be that they're holding out for the likes of Tuchel, Garde, or Galtier, all of whom have reservations about taking charge now.


    Yeah Galtier should leave his CL/Title chasing side in the middle of the season for a relegation battle :lol:


    I can understand being p*ssed at the club but the potential managers?  You're aiming your anger in the wrong direction.

    Reservations ... how about they grow a pair and start working. Mollycoddled pansies.


    Stop putting words in my mouth! I never said that nonsense!

  6. Until the summer? yeah right he's got it full time..


    Could very well be that they're holding out for the likes of Tuchel, Garde, or Galtier, all of whom have reservations about taking charge now.


    Reservations ... how about they grow a pair and start working. Mollycoddled pansies.

  7. They could have at least even given it to Beardsley or brought someone in until the summer. Can't stand Carver, and don't trust him one bit.


    This is going to be a painful few months man. Just watching and listening to absolute rubbish from this idiot.

  8. This is so unacceptable I can't even tell you. Absolutely unbearable.


    Quite annoyed by these managers that are insisting on waiting until the summer too. Pathetic.

  9. Why loan him back out if true? Its hardly like we've got a stellar central midfield ATM. Rather this lad than gouffran at cm again. Again, of true.


    We have Sissoko, Colback, Tiote, Anita and Abeid. And don't forget that the stats also told us Santon!


    Gouffran doesn't play central midfield for us either. That was strange.

  10. So, surely they wouldn't have waited this long to announce Carver right? It just doesn't make sense, or they would have done so by now.


    Surely, just finalising the new man's contract for himself and his staff, and tidying that all up before confirming once and for all.


    It's the only way this extended silence makes sense RIGHT?!


    Just like how our signings come out of nowhere with this lot RIGHT?!

  11. Love me some Rosicky.


    The no look pass was oh so sumptuous.


    Yeah that pass was gorgeous. What a player he would have been if he'd stayed injury free


    I'm happy he has kinda had a run these last few years, and got to play a part still. Always really liked his game.

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