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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Steven Taylor is so shameless and embarrassing. Just shut up you buffoon. The idiot isn't even fit.


    Trying to secure a new deal, so he remains here screwing up and getting injured, while getting paid handsomely for it.



  2. 10801882_10152983934534178_3582762215189492179_n.jpg?oh=5a0da48ca958b326eb64b35737a8e976&oe=55624073&__gda__=1428317541_9bea1fa0f84911a48000e6c2648a126f


    This f***ing braintrust are calling the shots for 16 games man :anguish:


    I bet the club photographer was hanging around for hours, waiting for a shot where Woodman wasn't shovelling some food into his gob before giving up and taking it anyway.


    The guy couldn't even manage to keep all the food on his plate.


    How is the club in the hands of such people?  :lol:

  3. Being made fun of by international press now... "They had 80 applicants for the managerial role and gave it to John Carver." :anguish:


    Man ... I read an article that was saying that it would be Schuster till the end of the season over the weekend. I think from Germany. I was so hopeful man. That should have been the minimum. I imagine that's the kind of thing they were expecting.


    We should have given someone like that a chance till the end of the season i.e. someone willing to come in straight away, that maybe wasn't a favourite, but that had enough of a rep to be giving a chance to show they could do well and maybe win the job.



  4. Imagine being so undeveloped that at his age he doesn't realise that mentioning Bobby Robson EVERY SINGLE TIME is just weird and inappropriate. Just imagine the level of creep we are talking about here. This is the current manager head coach.


    Imagine him also thinking that mentioning that Mourinho recommended him, was a power move, that would make him a more worthwhile candidate. Please imagine this. This is the man charged with looking after the club for months if not years.



  5. Disappointed we didn't give someone the job on a short term basis who has more experience and a better record than Carver.


    When Charnley said there were "80" applicants then surely a few of those who were decent and out of a job would accept an initial 6 month contract,or even a rolling 6 month deal.


    Even West Brom managed it with Pepe Mel for goodness sake. We are a farce.

  6. Pardew's entertainers are gonna stuff us 5-0 and he and JC will go out for a pint afterwards.


    Good times ahead.


    All the ones people on here love to mock will feast ...


    Zaha, Sanogo and finally Shola off the bench.



  7. "I am confident that we can deliver exciting successful football and look forward with relish to my role as head coach of this great football club."


    What the f*** does this even mean? Is he looking forward to his new role whilst eating relish?


    The guy is a Neanderthal, so in all probability, yes he is.

  8. This is just like when Chelsea got Benitez until the end of the season, then got Mourinho in.




    Just imagine! Other people are bringing in the calibre of Benitez on short term contracts till the end of the season, and the best we could manage was Carver.



  9. A bad outcome all round, because it’s clear from the way it’s been handled that the Board were hoping not to appoint Carver. I’m not sure how well he’s going to be able to motivate the team.


    Still, it was always going to be difficult to get the best possible long-term candidate half way through the season.


    This idea of hounding Pardew out of his job as soon as possible looks even worse than it did at the time.



    I'm sorry, but when did it become a thing to wait until the summer for a new manager? With it being difficult mid-season? Never heard of this before.

  10. John Carver, said: "This is a proud day for me.


    "I have worked with, and learnt from, the best manager that this football club has had in Sir Bobby Robson. I know what this Club means to this city and its people. I believe in my players and the staff I have around me.


    "I am confident that we can deliver exciting successful football and look forward with relish to my role as head coach of this great football club."


    I think I hate him more than Pardew already. Knew he'd be smug and self congratulatory about it.


    Could this guy insult Bobby Robson any further? Just rinsing the guy's name for his own selfish gain. A complete ogre of a thing this Carver.



  11. Can't believe Graham Carr in all this. Had to be able to get someone decent in man. Mr Contacts and all.


    This is so pathetic. John Carver is in charger from January till the end of the season. Can't believe it. The guy that was cussing fans out for protesting him and his gaffer's joy incinerating football.

  12. Just makes me want to hope we lose every game still. I cannot and should not be required to root for this Carver thing!


    :lol: We lose every game we go down.


    God. GOD that game vs Pardew. God! f*** I'm already f***ing p*ssed off.


    We will lose the Pardew game and they will finish above us.


    No question about it.

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