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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Pulis is such a fraud  :lol:


    That Crystal Palace stint was just a pure fluke man. Think the players just did their thing, as they have some decent attacking talent.


    This guy has bid for Wigan's Mcmanaman and is now trying to sign Shola for goodness sake. Putrid stuff.


    The only thing putrid is this abortion of a post. Pulis rejected the chance to sign Shola for a Championship side 7 years ago.




    Oh Ronnie, we've been getting along so well! Why so offended?


    Pulis played Anichebe upfront the other night, and Sessegnon started on the bench.


    Anichebe might actually be as bad as Shola. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he was looking to sign him.


    And McManaman? Really? So Sessegnon started on the bench, and you're looking to sign McManaman huh? Okay.

  2. I really don't think this has to be such a massive deal, especially now the manager knows about it before hand. Obviously it limits the candidates somewhat but we were never going to employ one of the top 10 in the world anyway.


    I was actually more upbeat after reading the thing yesterday. And everyone is ruining it for me. I just want to be cheerful.


    Shola's moving into your spare room btw.


    :lol: No chance.

  3. I really don't think this has to be such a massive deal, especially now the manager knows about it before hand. Obviously it limits the candidates somewhat but we were never going to employ one of the top 10 in the world anyway.


    I was actually more upbeat after reading the thing yesterday. And everyone is ruining it for me. I just want to be cheerful.

  4. A manager might not 'want' a player but his role could be clear and he could be professional enough to use that player even though he didn't personally prefer him.


    This is literally what Keegan walked out for. Forcing players onto a manager is absolutely pointless imo, if he doesn't think the player will fit into his side, or will mix with the other squad members or whatever then you just have to look elsewhere.


    I can sort of see why West Ham forced Tevez and Mascherano onto Pardew like but 100% of other managers would have given an arm for that deal.


    You just need the right kind of manager, and for his role to be clear up front. With Keegan that was obviously not the case.


    I'm not saying there will never be disagreements, that's inevitable.  But everyone has to be able to work together under the transfer policy the club has defined. 


    My favourite model is the Southampton/Swansea one where the manager can change and the philosophy of the club remains the same. Obviously we lack the football philosophy to make that happen.


    Have those clubs ever openly stated that this is their policy though, or is it just a case of sensible managers taking on the good work done before them? I was under the impression Swansea started their current philosophy under Martinez.

    Pretty sure the managers have a big say. Laudrup buying Michu and probably Amat. Koeman getting Elia.


    It's hard to compare to these sorts of managers though, because they have such a good knowledge of players.


    Michu and Elia aren't players I would imagine we would have been adversed to signing if Pardew knew them and rated them, as they fit our 'criteria'. They were younger players with good value. In Elia's case even a bit of damaged goods arguably, as he wasn't playing in Germany.


    Pardew would have been asking for Jarvis or Joe Cole man.

  5. 2015 -


    2005 - Owen


    1996 - Shearer


    1984 - Keegan


    1975 - Macdonald


    1965 - Robson


    1955 - FA Cup


    1945 - Milburn


    1936 - Stubbins


    1925 - Gallacher


    Roughly every 10 years we have something to be happy about. If Pardew somehow gets sacked it'd definitely count.




    2015 - Remi Garde



  6. The whole trust thing that Charnley kept harping on about is actually really important in this setup.

    If the new 'Head Coach' trusts the scouting network's ability to get him a quality CB when he asked for one it can work fine. The club has proved that they can deliver quality players within this 'value' remit time after time.

    As long as the players that are brought in suit the preferred playing style of the Head Coach it isn't a problem.


    That's what's so baffling about the overwhelming gushing about Pardew from Charnley, Ashley etc. The players that were brought in more often than not didn't suit his s*** style so he didn't use them and he wasn't flexible enough to adapt the team to accomodate them. He didn't develop a single player they brought in and he didn't give youth a chance. And he was a prize c***.




    I don't even think the Coach would just ask for a centre back and one would be produced that he knew nothing of. There will be options of players we could potentially go for, and he will then be involved in choosig from those. Pardew didn't know shit about players man. Unless they played on these shores. It was very obvious. So asking him for his view was completely pointless.


    I think they were just paying lip service to Pardew in that message yesterday. Just being 'polite' let's say. Iwould hope so at least. They weren't going to come out and say he didn't work. Their reference to not wanting a traditional English manager was the evidence of their real feelings on Pardew.

  7. Kaka that scenario is flawed by the fact you're using Alan Pardew as the example.


    He's not developed a player for the better since the day he arrived.


    Use KK and see what comes back. I'll tell you.


    'I want Phillipe Albert whether you f***ing like him or not'.


    IMO Keegan would be aware of a good number of players Carr had identified, and would be able to pick from that list.


    Therefore, it would work. That is how this thing is supposed to work. It's not that the manager has no input whatsoever. That's wrong.

  8. Can't believe some people don't want the manager to have the final say. Everything at a club should be set up to help the manager do his job as well as possible. Cabella, MYM, Marveaux, Ben Arfa, Anita etc all sounded good when we signed them but they didn't fit with the manager so they didn't play and dropped significantly in value. Who wins in that situation?


    For all the good players we've signed, don't ignore all the talent/potential that has been completely wasted because we found out after they'd joined that they didn't "fit".


    Well that's why we now have to get a manager that actually has a wider knowledge of players! And can actually have somi input on players from around the world, where greater value can be had (which is the club's policy, rightly or wrongly).


    Pardew knew fuck all. He was an absolute disgrace. Once he didn't get his prem guys he was going to be difficult about it.


    This fucker was playing Colback every minute of every game, and trying to convince us he was amazing when he wasn't. Why? What was he playing at? What was his agenda exactly?

  9. Minhosa here's a scenario ...


    Pardew: I need a centre back


    Carr: Okay, we've been scouting a few talented young players who still have room to grow. Anyone in mind?


    Pardew: James Tomkins


    Carr: Um ... not really feasible. West Ham will ask silly money and he doesn't really fit the criteria of the type of player the club prefers to bring in. Here's the guys we have been scouting. There's lots of options to choose from. Let's discuss these.


    Pardew: (In a sulk) But I want Tomkins! I want prem experience.


    Carr: I understand. But a lot of work has gone into scouting these players, and they are just as good. They also fit in with what the owner has said he'd prefer us to go for. We can find someone who works for everyone.


    Pardew: (mumbling) I don't know these players. But whatever ... just get me a centre back.


    Few weeks later ...


    Carr: We've signed a young centre back who was really doing well in France and emerging for their national team, Yanga - Mbiwa.


    Pardew: How tall is he?


    Carr: What?!


    Pardew: Nothing ... never mind.


    Few months later ...


    Carr: Why isn't Yanga-Mbiwa getting a game? What's the problem? He was beginning to come along during that short run he had starting ...


    Pardew: He won't play. He's a freak and a weirdo.





  10. In response to Minhosa, so with the club having made it clear they will look for someone who is in line with Carr's thinking why do you not think the person would be happy with the players coming in?


    Please don't ever mention Pardew having to make do with what he was given. He was over ruled because he was a fucking dunce. He wanted to sign Darren Bent, Sidwell and would have happily given Shola a new deal. They over ruled Pardew because he was an idiot.


    If we had Koeman, I'm sure he would have been able to identify players alongside Carr who he liked, and who fit into our so called constraints. Why? because he isn't hung up on prem experienced try hards that simply tow the line and are grateful to be there.

  11. To be honest I don't really want managers buying players... Seriously considering how much time they should really be spending on tactics and training then you get situations like Souness signing players based on videotapes and the like. Unless you're Jose Mourinhino or the like, managers make a lot of pish signings.


    To be honest the one ray of hope is Carr in all this as IMHO he's a top quality scout who I'd much rather have in charge of choosing players. His track record since he's been here is nothing short of amazing and the best I've seen in my lifetime since Keegan to be honest. If he's having a say in choosing the manager that can only be a good thing. All signs point to Carver being a temp until the summer at best which in that case I think might be hinting at one of expiring contract managers coming in which I'd take. Pardew was rock bottom, it can't get any worse in any way when it comes to managers.


    Carr provided a manager with a competivie and potential top six squad and that t*** though that Williamson and Obertan were better than MYM and Ben Arfa. I think a decent manager will certainly vindicate the way we buy players.


    Exactly. The key to yesterday's statement was the confirmation of Carr's major involvement.


    The guy has managed to get in quality players despite Ashley's cheapness and in spite of Pardew moaning on about prem experienced has beens.


    Carr is someone I do trust in all of this. Having watched Pardew waste a lot of his hardwork, I just can't imagine him signing off on a rubbish manager.


    If he's taken the signing of players so seriously, how could he possibly accept it? There's hope I think.

  12. Pulis is such a fraud  :lol:


    That Crystal Palace stint was just a pure fluke man. Think the players just did their thing, as they have some decent attacking talent.


    This guy has bid for Wigan's Mcmanaman and is now trying to sign Shola for goodness sake. Putrid stuff.

  13. He would have been better off saying nowt, what a waste of words. This reveals nowt new and is simply waffle.


    Well we now have confirmation Carr is legitimately involved in getting the new man in. That was only speculated up until now. Pretty big deal IMO.


    Carr has constantly delivered with decent players, and he will want to see them utilised well.

  14. There isn't a chance in hell Carver gets the job, or they wouldn't have dared gone into as much detail as they did in describing the type of man they want.


    Honestly, this is a big moment. If they do hire someone on the level of a Carver after what they described yesterday, then everyone has to boycott the club. The stadium should be empty every weekend.


    Let's see what happens.

  15. Even if the new Head Coach comes in and immediately improves the first team in a Koeman-esque run, why would they stay at NUFC when they will have offers from other clubs almost immediately?


    They would move everytime so that they can buy their own players............


    By the very definition of having key decisions taken out of his hands, the head coach is a yes man.


    He's basically putting himself out there to be rimmed like f***.


    Jesus ...


    So we're preparing to be depressed even if we do land someone good.


    Man, even I can't sign up for that.


    I think your logic is completely wrong by the way. The manager will be involved in the identifying of players, but other factors will be taken into account, Ultimately he will get the type he wants, if not necessarily the very individual he might always prefer.


    The structure isn't only suitable for yes men as you imply. You're just wrong. Getting to buy your own players isn't the be all and end all like people in this country feel it is.


    It's not like we buy rubbish players either. It's the one thing we currently do well. If Pardew wasn't such an asshole Yanga-Mbiwa, Marveaux and Ben-Arfa would all still be here, and how much better would the squad look for it?


    We just need a manager that can appreciate and use the types of players we are bringing  in. I imagine a lot of managers would actually look at the players we sign and would think they could definitely work with that quality.


    I do not agree at all that if the right man who is comfortable with the setup and the quality of players we get comes in, he will be looking to run off to any other situation where he can buy his players. Rubbish.

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