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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. This guy was doing well in the Ukraine. Why we've then chosen to derail his career this way is really beyond me. Really disgusting.


    To not give him any time at all like this is pathetic.

  2. Doing well this season. I know he was s*** for us but would he have been better to keep than signing Riviere and Chucky?


    No. He was very bad at the football.

    Don't disagree. Guess that means the Dutch league is s***.




    Suarez and Van Nistelrooooooooooooy!

  3. The guy is just supremely confident. You just see it in the way he carries himself out there, and the way he plays. Hasn't been over awed from the moment he first stepped out on the pitch for us.


    Riviere despite having a lot of admirable physical qualities, always looked a bit nervous/panicky, and is clearly one that needs to get a few goals before he really settles in.

  4. Argh! That's my point. I don't think he was anything special, but he still would have managed our current players far better. Because he at least didn't have some over the top ego, that had to be placated by the players all the time.


    I knew you'd be straight in as soon as Hughton was mentioned  :lol:

  5. Question ...


    If we never get rid of Hughton, what do you think Ben Arfa would be right now? Do these issues ever arise?


    No, and why the f*** would they? :lol:




    I know Hughton wasn't great, but at least he knew player's strengths and le them get on with it. I think Ben Arfa would have really gone on to be brilliant under him. There was never a peep of any issues then.


    With the players being brought in Hughton would have done really well just putting them in the best spots to perform that's for sure.


    It's annoying that some people can't see this.

  6. Does Ramirez get a game? He was a decent prospect


    Ramirez never plays ...


    Bruce got a bunch of really exciting attacking players, but hasn't stuck with them through the rough patch and allowed them to come through it. He has ditched them all for some hideously lesser individuals.


    Going back to them will be all the more difficult now they are truly in the shit. Bruce bottled it, and is going to tank.

  7. Look at the way all the pundits mock Wenger when his team's start to struggle, saying he is clueless because he never plays more defensive, when his teams get some bad results and are conceding goals.


    That's because he has conviction in his approach, and ultimately he always ends up in that top four with a team that is nowhere near as good as the other teams in there, no matter what anyone else wants to say. He believes in what he knows, and trusts his team to come through playing the way he knows they are best at.


    So many managers claim to play positive football, until they concede a few due to going forward, and then it's a complete 180, with all their players sitting on top of the goalie. Clearing out all of the forward thinking payers for shouty run around types, who never do anything going forward. It's so nonsensical.





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