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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Wenger is just being an ass. He never has his sides play with a defensive mindset at any stage of any game, so you would think he'd make sure to have top defenders and a top holding midfielder for goodness sake. It's just stupid.

    There's not having top defenders which is difficult but not having defenders at all? Inexcusable. They have 6 first team defenders on the box going into 4 competitions.


    Even at the minute they should be playing Chambers with Mertesacker, and Bellerin at right back.


    Why is he persisting with Monreal at centre back? It's madness.

  2. “The difference is probably because he’s a British owner.


    “Lots of the foreign owners would look at bringing a foreign manager in because maybe he’s been a better player than Alan Pardew was and they played in Italy or Spain.


    “But Ashley has stuck by him, and no matter what abuse he gets, he doesn’t care, does he?


    “That’s why he’s such a clever man – you don’t become that wealthy if you’re not a clever man.”


    Breathtaking stupidity.


  3. W...wait.. those Whelan quotes are real? Don't believe it.


    Yup, and everyone is patting him on the back for hiring Mackay! Like it's some grand ballsy move that should be applauded. All of a sudden it's poor Malky the victim.


    It's not like the guy has been out for a year or anything. It's only been 3 months  :lol:


    It's reality though. Can't help but feel the majority of people have these kinds of views really.

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