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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Not a chance in hell of that happening :lol:


    Pardew has just won 5 straight premier league games to see us temporarily into fourth place.


    I'm pretty sure we are in hell, and so this may very well be happening.

  2. A 1 in 4 striker from France. No need to tell fibs.


    His years playing upfront he was 1 in 2. Pretty sure I read that when he first signed. He previously used to play out wide, but that was at least three years prior to joining us.

  3. Sissoko moving to the middle for me. There's no room for Pardew's negativity for a player like that, he just keeps running and running and the whole staying in position thing doesn't work with a player like that, he just does his own thing.


    Yeah, I really think this has been the key change tbh. Phenomenal difference he's made in there.


    Just goes to show how the slightest thing can impact the whole team either way. How long have people been clamouring for him to play inside? It's just crazy.


    I have no doubt if Gouffran played upfront, we'd all appreciate him much more right now. Very frustrating stuff.


    Good call. Would be interesting to one day see Gouff playing up front with Ayoze and/or Cisse.


    We bought a 1 in 2 striker from France, and have never played him upfront. Pretty outstanding.

  4. It's depressing that as much of a dinosaur as Neil Warnock is, he's the manager saying about Bolasie that he's told him to just go for it and it doesn't matter if he loses the ball in the opposition half, because he has to try things.  Pardew and Bruce could do with that imagination when it comes to Ben Arfa.  The free spirited players thrive on confidence and knowing they have free reign to do whatever.  Trying to reign them in and make them do the defensive winger job is a fools errand.


    Have a lot more respect for Warnock, because he makes some allowances for these types of players. That season Taraabt had in the championship for QPR was down to him also.


    Told key members of the team to cover for him, and just allow him the freedom to express himself, as he had the talent to take them up, which he did. Even went as far as to make him captain!


    Some of the things Taraabt did that year. Wow.

  5. Sissoko moving to the middle for me. There's no room for Pardew's negativity for a player like that, he just keeps running and running and the whole staying in position thing doesn't work with a player like that, he just does his own thing.


    Yeah, I really think this has been the key change tbh. Phenomenal difference he's made in there.


    Just goes to show how the slightest thing can impact the whole team either way. How long have people been clamouring for him to play inside? It's just crazy.


    I have no doubt if Gouffran played upfront, we'd all appreciate him much more right now. Very frustrating stuff.

  6. I'm still wondering why we hardly ever see Colback in positions to shoot? Even Ryan Taylor managed it yesterday. Really weird.

    He cut inside and had a shot from inside the box yesterday.


    Yeah, we see it once in a while, but not nearly often enough.


    Regarding his athleticism TRon, I remember him getting up and down far more with Sunderland.


    This is definitely due to Pardew. Every single time there's a stop in play he's in Colback's ear. No doubt imploring him to hold hands with the centrebacks. The guy is a sicko.

  7. Love his game. Always sets someone up with a great scoring opportunity whenever he plays. So unselfish.


    That Ryan Taylor shot after the all world pirouette and lay off from Cabella, was extremely irritating.

  8. I think it's disgusting that he started the game yesterday ahead of Ayoze playing off Cisse, or indeed Anita slotting into midfield.


    Pardew has psychological problems playing this guy in central midfield, without it being absolutely unavoidable.

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