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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Sissoko will be out wide as soon as DeJong returns, and we'll start looking even more horrid than usual. Tiote and Colback aren't that great at getting the ball forward, and De Jong isn't really a classic drop back and receive the ball guy either. More of a second striker in all honesty.


    It will be disgusting.

  2. I agree whole heartedly with that statement on FM players. Think ikri would be shockingly accurate if we could somehow test that theory out. As he rightly states though, the issue would be dealing with the pompous and equally thick players, who would rile at being instructed by someone who hadn't had a career in football themselves.


    Are there any English managers at the minute who didn't play football themselves coming up? Out of interest.

  3. I would love to see Cisse alongside Ayoze, but with a playmaker behind the two of them. Cisse could then just focus on lurking in dangerous areas ,and not need to be as involved in play per se. He is a heck of a goal scorer.


    His general play, however, is absolutely revolting, and quite offensive in truth.



  4. I pray everyday that his next job is the England job, so that every football fan in this country can get what they deserve for running their mouths about the great job he is doing at Newcastle. I cannot wait.

  5. He's got 1 goal and 2 assists in 606 mins of football this season (the equivalent of about 6.5 to 7 games).  That's the same number of assists as, among others, Silva, Cazorla, Nasri and Ramsay.  All of whom, I think, have played more minutes than him.


    So - not exactly stellar, but not quite an attacker who doesn't score or create.


    And he's achieved it in one of the most despicable sides known to mankind. We play truly putrid football.

  6. Every single game he played on the right side of a front three, he was a terror. Nothing else to be said.


    I am still waiting for an explanation on why he was ever taken away from that position, especially after that season where he was so devastating there, alongside Cisse and Ba.




    One highlighted, the other probably how often Debuchy got himself forward.


    Can't help but feel Pardew was always going to find a reason to drop him regardless. Just so annoying.

  7. Every single game he played on the right side of a front three, he was a terror. Nothing else to be said.


    I am still waiting for an explanation on why he was ever taken away from that position, especially after that season where he was so devastating there, alongside Cisse and Ba.



  8. Sound familiar?....


    Pretty ****e, he's pretty much solely been used in a 5-4-1 playing just in front of the midfield 3 with absolutely no support, no one to work with and left to do everything on his own. Showed brief glimpses of what he's capable of but as he's often the only player even halfway up the pitch, he's shut out by an entire defence before he gets very far.


    Looked absolutely explosive, if extremely rusty, playing centrally in a 4-5-1 on his debut against WBA in the cup but ever since he's been a victim to an ultra defensive system which really just hasn't let him play at all.


    You can see he has quality (at RARE times) it's just a shame our manager refuses to play too his strengths. He's being played in behind the main striker in a supporting role, with NO ONE else around him!! Our managers tactics are so negative its ridiculous.


    Ben Arfa is a class player, but you need to set up your team around him.


    It doesn't look like we are going to do that.


    So if it's just an everyday attacking midfielder we want there are much better options.


    he has had brief moments of quality - but being generous to him he has been playing with a team with their heads caught in the headlights . A type of football we wasnt playing when he was getting up to match sharpness :/


    defo can't put all the blame on him


    As the OP suggests, he's a lot better cutting in off the right and his best game was probably against Tottenham where he played on the right of a 4-2-3-1 and we attacked them for 45 minutes. He should have out us 2 up but missed a sitter mind.


    However, Bruce does have a thing about playing wingers as strikers and that combined with our recent tactic of 'everyone back at all times' thwarts not just Ben Arfa but all of our attacking players.




    What a disgusting read  :lol:


    So unfortunate for the guy.


    He's not got the same level of vision Sigurdsson has but his feet are just as good, touch is probably better and has more of a goalscoring instinct in the box.


    I think he'll be great foil for Perez. He'll be looking for that early ball a lot when Ayoze is on the shoulder.


    Looking forward to him getting games, I just hope it's at the expense of Colback.


    Him and Perez has great potential


    They linked up brilliantly at Villa, only for De jong to be foiled by Guzan.

  10. So he's done better than poorer signings so he isnt pants? That's hardly a good yardstick. I know it's taboo to knock a dog when he's down but the blokes been largely bilge despite the occasional free kick our decent spell of crossing.


    "Knock a dog when it's down" had me howling  :)


    Sorry  :lol:

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