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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Mitrovic linked again in the Mail.


    On the Newcastle Supporters FB page there were a few Belgians who post there and said he`s not worth the money and not worth going for....can`t say I have seen anything of Mitrovic anyway. Seems to be linked on more than a few occasions so might be some truth in the rumour.


    I'm Belgian and I can tell you that he would be worthless in the Premier League. He doesn't live for his sport and he's arrogant towards his fellow players. And at the moment, he's simply not good enough for Newcastle. Anderlecht asks about 10 million pounds for him but he's absolutely not worth such a high asking price." Currently in the news because he was overweight, talented boy but a bit crazy in his head. Imo not a player with a decent mentality.


    Sounds like a Sunderland signing.

  2. Ideally it should be a combination of both these traditional managers, and the analysts or more cerebral types. As is happening a lot more in American sports.


    However, I can't see it catching on here. Most of the managers here are incredibly intimidated by having any such sort of input from elsewhere. Insecure control freaks. The continued whinging about directors of football for example.


    The way it will catch on here is if other countries embrace it.  If a foreign analytically minded manager breaks through and is a top manager he'll be able to get a job here should he want it.  Then if he did well, others would follow the example.  That's what it would take though, I can't see the UK being the innovation centre of it, not when I see how far behind our current managers are.


    I'm just talking about them contributing at clubs, and not necessarily becoming managers even.


    A lot of sports franchises in the states now have their analytics departments that aid the coaches, the scouting departments etc.


    Think such ideas are routinely scoffed at over here. Just need proper players.

  3. Ideally it should be a combination of both these traditional managers, and the analysts or more cerebral types. As is happening a lot more in American sports.


    However, I can't see it catching on here. Most of the managers here are incredibly intimidated by having any such sort of input from elsewhere. Insecure control freaks. The continued whinging about directors of football for example.

  4. Are there any English managers who did not play the game to a competitive level?


    Some pretty impressive foreign managers have been listed. Wondering if there are nay English ones at all?


    Put on the other page an article about the Brentford manager who left a career as a broker to get into football, but he had played non-league stuff before I think.


    Interesting. I think this is definitely a bigger issue in this country tbh.


    I think in most other countries, if someone takes their badges and studies the game, without having played at a competitive level, they can still go on to manage.


    However, doesn't really seem to be as prevalent over here. Mostly ex-players seem to get opportunities to manage, and frighteningly it usually seems to be based off of their reputation as players.

  5. And then proceed to play Cisse there too ..., for multiple games. No, not just one game, but numerous games. Cisse on the right for numerous games of football. Someone who mostly looks like he can't actually play the game outside of the box.

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