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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Man, the wolves are circling on this guy already.


    Can't lie I'm nervous for him. Pardew's approach doesn't really tend to suit a striker who isn't super quick/athletic/strong.


    I'm just hoping he gets game time alongside De Jong, because currently he seems the one that will get the best out of any striker we play, as a partner anyway.

  2. quite frankly we need both. We need a star striker and need a central midfielder capable of creativity (OR) someone out wide who could do that. 


                  NEW CF

    Cabella - De Jong - WINGER


    Can then be fine with a Tiote/Sissoko/Anita partnership. 


                  NEW CF

    Cabella - De Jong - Sissoko

            NEW CM - Tiote


    Is Ayoze capable out wide at all? Or is he an out andout striker? Wouldn't mind seeing a bot of him on that right side, if he's capable. However, I think it will be Gouff, if Sissoko moves inside.

  3. I'd rather a CM or CH than an atttacking player.


    We've got HBA and Aarons who I would like to see given pitch time on the wins rather than spending another £5m to £10m there


    I'd be shocked if we signed another central midfielder.


    Colback, Anita, Tiote, Sissoko, and in Pardew's warped mind Santon, can all play there.

  4. Why are we even still looking for strikers? We have already got 3 in. Surely we trust at least one of them to make the grade?


    You know I'd actually be happy with what we have for the moment tbh, and see how they get along.


    Think Riviere deserves a crack until January, as he's looked good in pre-season.


    Also think Siem De Jong and Cabella will score goals too.

  5. Anyone else think QPR will suprise a few people?


    Isla and Mutch are 2 good signings.


    Their first 11 looks decent.


                Julio Cesar


    Isla  Ferdinand Caulker  Traore


    Hoilett Faurlin  Mutch  Taarabt


              Austin Remy


    Mutch ado about nothing tbh. Remy be clear about this, I expect them to Faurlin to a rut and end up back in the championship. Harry will take Taarabt for their failures and step down for the first prem job that becomes available, who he will proceed to flush down the Hoilett also.


    From Wiki:


    During a season five episode that first aired on August 6, 2014, Kaka - a character brought in to boost ratings during season four after popular stalwart Baba's departure - (clad in swim trunks and his signature leather jacket) listed a series of puns to no canned laughter. Puns had previously made Newcastle Online popular, but this moment was seen as a "jump the shark moment" by an already unpopular character and ratings declined still. [32][33]


    I'm popular for being unpopular.


    I'll take it  :aww:

  6. We must have received encouragement from the player/agent to pursue it for so long?


    Douglas said we are having to deal with multiple agents and some say he wants to come and others are saying he wants to sign a new contract.


    Thus the varying reports.




    Multiple agents for goodness sake, what is wrong with these guys?

  7. Anyone else think QPR will suprise a few people?


    Isla and Mutch are 2 good signings.


    Their first 11 looks decent.


                Julio Cesar


    Isla  Ferdinand Caulker  Traore


    Hoilett Faurlin  Mutch  Taarabt


              Austin Remy


    Mutch ado about nothing tbh. Remy be clear about this, I expect them to Faurlin to a rut and end up back in the championship. Harry will take Taarabt for their failures and step down for the first prem job that becomes available, who he will proceed to flush down the Hoilett also.

  8. Ayoze for riv.


    Cabella has been disappointing tonight really has not shown much at all


    Have they managed to get him the ball consistently though? Bet they haven't.

    Not really but when he has had it he hasn't turned and ran at them.


    He's been given a free time tonight as well.


    Probably been told not to dribble with the ball already.


    Man, we're doomed ... I'm depressed again. Everything IS bad forever.

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