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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. You know how a CB can make a mistake, and still get bailed out by another defender, or the keeper, or the striker then goes on to miss the chance? It seemed like Titus didn't have as much luck is what I meant. He seemed to me to have a disproportionate amount of his errors lead to goals. It seemed a rather unfortunate knack.

  2. 25 years old this year. Some human beings just take longer to mature, and find that confidence. I'd be delighted if that turns out to be the case with him. Looks a lot more physical, and wasn't as tentative, using his strength more. I liked that a lot.

  3. I'm on the fence at the moment. I never really think much of players that are all pace and it was only pre-season. Very promising though and he could definitely develop into a useful player.


    That's just it though, he wasn't just all pace  :lol:

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