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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Looks like our first team defence right there. Hope they look good tonight.


    Sissoko might play central this year, which would have to be beside Tiote you would imagine, so that should hopefully deal with the nuisance of Colback.


    Gouffran on the right I could live with. At least he has a good attacking full back down that side, and one that won't be cutting in a la Santon. Think it will make him look a lot better.


    Hope Riviere and Chucky look good, probably competing to see who gets first dibs playing with De Jong once the real business starts.


    I'm feeling excited. Please God whatever happens, no injuries!

  2. Our CM is nowt without Cabaye tbh, we're much weaker on the whole than this time last year, so if Rodwell stays fit it's a possibility.


    As long as we play Anita we'll be fine, but I'm not sure this will happen. Anita will get open to receive the ball, and will play decent balls forward to De Jong and the wingers, which is what we need to happen because we have quality in those positions now. If we go the Colback and Tiote route it won't flow as well, but I still think it will be okay against most teams.

  3. Remember when they bought that N'Diaye and he was supposedly going to deal with Tiote. That man saw the pitch one time, and they put him in cold storage straight after. Shocking player.

  4. Fairly large transfer fee and a 5 year deal for a player who's had about 10 hours of football in the last 2 years is canny mental. Hell of a risk.


    Reminds me somewhat of Kinnear's late January bid of £8m for Michael Johnson in 2008/09. Imagine how that would have turned out. :lol:


    Whose the midfielder Kinnear tried to sign from ManCity for us, when he was manager, the nutter. Michael Johnson was it? Imagine if that went through? That guy ended up in a right state, doesn't even play anymore I don't think.


    Zero for originality. Disgraceful.

  5. I'm really excited for this guy. Actually think Pardew will like him. The guy's work rate was really good. Even when he first came on in the number 10 role, he was getting back and constantly pressing the other team, which continued when he moved out wide.


    Pardew will find it very difficult to deny us this guy's talents due to his obsession over defensive effort.


    All this positivity, you need to change your avatar.


    You know what ... I am feeling quite upbeat nowadays. I might have to do that actually. I really like the new players we've brought in.


    I'll wait to see the first 11 Pardew selects in the first game though. He has a talent for destroying the potential of a good team by making crazy selections for games.



  6. Whose the midfielder Kinnear tried to sign from ManCity for us, when he was manager, the nutter. Michael Johnson was it? Imagine if that went through? That guy ended up in a right state, doesn't even play anymore I don't think.

  7. To be fair to Sunderland they do have Fletcher who even managed to score under O'Neill. Wickham will stay too, and Jozy might get better under Poyet. Johnson will score some. They'll be okay this season tbh.

  8. At the end of the day, there's still no-one there who can score goals.




    We dont have anyone either


    Think we'll score more than we did as a team last season.


    Really think De Jong will score goals the way Nolan did. He's more of a goal scorer than Cabaye was in that number 10 position IMO. Also think Cabella will score goals too, along with Riviere. Think once we get them all in the same team, it will be a lot more apparent. Really like the potential of those three, think they've looked good.



  9. http://www.keeperportal.co.uk/karl-darlow-interview/


    What techniques do you employ to make sure you stay focused for the full 90 minutes?


    Normally just set myself a target to get through to 45 minutes preferably with a clean sheet, if not and I let a goal in then I’m determined to make it just that one goal, if another goal goes in then just to make it two goals and so on and so forth. Then just carry on through the match


    :lol: :lol:


    Possibly the worst quote I've ever seen


    Surely, we can't now be expected to complete this transfer?! Have you forwarded that quote to the club?

  10. Or he should have made sure he knew what he was getting into. Those guys have been sacking managers left, right and centre, and clearly just want a figurehead that gets on with things. I'm sure he could have talked to Billy Davies. If he's going to come out complaining this way now, then he might as well step down. I just can't see how it works for him going forward now. As soon as they struggle a bit, that will be that, and maybe even before that.

  11. Yeah, he may be a great man, and that's fine. But unfortunately, he hasn't been a great manager. He hasn't even got Forest through one game yet, and he's set himself back big time already. I repeat, why would he talk about how he would not sell players, except for sensational money if he doesn't have the last say? Was he trying to pressure the board into not selling players? It's a silly thing to do. So now, right off the bat it's clear he and the board are not pulling in the same direction, and it's all a bit weird. Great way to start a new season.

  12. Stuart Pearce man ... acting and talking like the big I am. What exaclt has he achieved anyway. He's just setting himself up to fall out with the board, and get kicked out like all the rest at Nottingham Forest recently.


    Just get on with it, at least you're still going to have the players at your disposal for goodness sake.


    Are you stupid on purpose?


    Am I stupid?! Stuart Pearce is the stupid one! He hasn't coached a damn game! Why would he come out and say that in public, let it be known behind the scenes if you have to. He's going into a new season with a weird atmosphere now, with tension in the crowd who will only be riled up more. Yet, the players are still going to be in the team. Bet their jobs will be much easier now.


    Besides why would he talk like that beforehand when it's clear the last say has nothing to with him?! He'll be sacked by December. I'll put any money on it. He's dumb. The way I see it he might as well step down now, and save himself the palava.


  13. Stuart Pearce man ... acting and talking like the big I am. What exaclt has he achieved anyway. He's just setting himself up to fall out with the board, and get kicked out like all the rest at Nottingham Forest recently.


    Just get on with it, at least you're still going to have the players at your disposal for goodness sake.

  14. Generally shocked that we are able to get some young English guys for such prices. Really need to do it more often then. Seemed we got in there before the hype on them got too silly, as most of us don't even know them that well, so this maybe the way forward.

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