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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. I spent the opening day of the 2010 world cup hooked up to a drip in Egypt, I'm expecting a more pleasant day today.


    Funny if it happened again.




    Excited by the World Cup, but feel like I'll have more difficulty in watching it all as I'd like to now I'm a bit older/more responsibilities.


    In days of yore, I'd sit in my underpants on my couch surrounded by chocolates and crisps with a laptop and two TV screens, and that's me for the next month.


    Yeah, I miss this so, so much. My wife would kill me. I'm watching tonight's game then going straight out to work :(


    leffe my man you messed up!


    From the start of the year you should have been spoiling the woman rotten, by spending quality time with her, and really showing her a good time at least once a week if possible.


    By now she would have been putty in your hands. Not only would she let you watch every single game, but she would even get you your favourite snacks and drinks, leave the house to you while she visited friends etc, and then came back home afterwards and cleaned up for you.


    You should have come to me sooner bro. It's all rather unfortunate really.

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